Rusden, G. W., 7, 84. 105, 216, 316, 335, 344, 383, 441, 464, 569, 570, 689
Sacrifice, alleged, at Bunya-Bunya feast, 754-6
Salic Law, maternal descent in. 286-294; diagrams, 288, 291
Sandstone, expeditions for, see Yantniwunta
Scars, raised, see Cicatrices
Schmid, Dr. Keinhold, 283
Schürmann, C. W., 191, 667
Scott, William, 151, 383, 465, 496, 572, 574, 741
Scisons, see Beliefs
Sex totems, 147-151
Shaw, James. 128, 427, 436
Siebert, Rev. Otto, 182, 187, 328-30, 359. 427. 428, 431. 433. 434. 448i 449. 450. 475. 655. 657. 658, 683. 685, 715, 717, 725, 748. 751
Signals, 720-3
Sky, see Beliefs
Smith, Mrs. J. S., 68, 123, 251. 252, 434, 490
Smith. Dr. William, 293
Smyth, R. Brough. 5, 15, 754
Songs and song-makers, Kurnai, 275, 377, 388, 397, 437; Jajaurung, 369; Wolgal, 414, 424; Molongo song and dance, 416; Woeworung. 420-22; Yuin, 423; Wiimbaio, 428
Spencer, Professor Baldwin, 14, 94
Spencer and Gillen, 38, 42, 88, 93, 119, 144. IS'. 152. 188, 238-40, 410-13, 475- 482, 506. 510
Spirits, see Beliefs
Stahle. Rev. J. H., 69, 124, 249, 306, 455, 699, 765
Stanbridge, W. E. , 427. 440, 459
Stars, see Beliefs
Stewart, D. U., 123, 146
Stokes, J. Lort, 11, 26
Stone axes, Kulin quarry, 311; making of by Kulin and Kurnai, 311-12; by Mardala, 312; quarry at Charlotte Plains, 340, 689
Sun, see Beliefs
Sutton, T. M., 67, 260, 316, 325, 401, 434, 451, 672, 705, 722, 762
Tableland tribes, 77
Taloinjunga tribe, 68
Talungun initiation ceremonies, see Bunurong
Tangara tribe, 49; cannibalism, 449-50, 751
Taplin, F. W., 68, 130, 147, 260-1, 314, 325, 341, 706, 763
Taplin, Rev. G., 68, 130, 260-1, 314, 325, 362, 434, 488, 673
Taruinbura tribe, 61
Tarumbul tribe, 62
Ta-tathi tribe, 50, 52; totems, 100; betrothal. 195; marriage rule, 195; female captives, 195; Purbung ceremonies, 590; infamicide, 750
Tate, Professor R., 18
Theddora, 77-8, marriage rule and betrothal, 196; elopement, 196; tribal government, 301, 302; blood-teud, 353-4; burial, 460-1; tribal All-father, 493
Thomas, William, 252-3, 308-9, 430, 484, 492, 612, 766
Threlkeld, Rev. L. K., 25, 84. 496-7
Thunder, see Beliefs
Tidni or Hilleri tribe, 47
Tikovina of Herbert River tribes, 499
Tilbabura tribe, 63
Tippa-malku, see Marriage
Tirari legend, 800
Tongaranka tribe, 49, 98; tribal government, 301; Headmen, 301; punishment of offences, 332; "pointing the bone," 360; burial, 451; message-stick, 692; infanticide, 749
Torrance, Rev. Dr., 418
Totems, of Kongalu, 112; Bathalibura, 113; tribes of South-west Victoria, 125; Yerkla, 129; Narrinyeri, 131; Kurnai, 135, 146; Wiradjuri, Arunta, 144; Wotjobaluk, 144-5; Buandik, 146; sex totems of Kurnai, 147; Yuin, 133, 147, 150; Wurunjerri, Port Stephens, Turrbal, 150; Wotjo nation mortuary totems, 453-5
Totems and totemism, 144-7; totemism, 151-5
Travis, J., 19
Tribal government, 295; Dieri, 297; Yaiirorka, 300; Tongaranka, Karamundi, Wiimbaio, 301; Theddora, 301, 302; Yuin, Kamilaroi, 302; Wiradjuri, Wakelbura, 303; Dalebura, Unghi, Higambul, Kaiabara, Wotjo nation, Mukjarawaint, 304; Gourn-ditch-mara, 305; tribes of South-west Victoria, 306-7; Wurunjerri, 307; Kulin, 307-9; Narrang-ga, 313; Narrinyeri, Yuin, 314; Port Jackson tribes, 315; Geawe-gal, 316
Tribe, definition of, 41
Tribes with two classes and female descent, 90, 175; four sub-classes and female descent, 103, 199; four sub-classes and male descent, 114, 228; eight sub-classes and male descent, 118, 237; anomalous class system and