supply charm, 399-400; evil magic, 362; the tribal All-father, 488; initiation ceremonies, 673-5; message-stick, 706; food rules, 763, 764
Naseby, C, 57, 204, 303, 332, 343, 376, 401, 466, 594, 688, 721, 743
Nation, definition of, 44; Itchumundi, 49; Karamundi, 49, 50; Barkiiiji, 50; Wotjobaluk, 55; Kamilaroi, 56-57; Wiradjuri, 56, 105; Kulin, 70; Kuinmurbura, 111
Naualko tribe, 50
Nauo tribe, 47
Ngameni murdus, 94; food-supply ceremonies, see Dieri
Ngarigo tribe, 77-8; class system, 101, 102; marriages, 197; betrothal, 198; elopement, 198; remarriage of widows, 199; tribal government, 302; Headman, 302; burial, 461-2; initiation ceremonies, 563; messenger, 686-7; message-stick, 693; smoke signal, 720-1; gesture language, 732; cannibalism, 748; food rules, 759-60; ball-playing, 770; Ngarigo and Wolgal fire drill, 771-2
Ngurawala tribe, graves, 449; reception of messengers, 685-6
Nose-perforation, Kurnai, 740; Wift-un-jerri, Yuin. at Port Stephens, Turrbal, Chepara, 741; flattening nose, Yuin, Wiimbaio, Maitland tribe, 743
Occtipations, hereditary, in Herbert River tribes, 720
O'Donnell, W., 93
Offences, punishment of, by Dieri, 183, 326-32; Tongaranka, Kamilaroi, Wiradjuri, 332; Maryljorough tribes, Buntamurra, Kaiabara, Turrbal, 333; Wiimbaio, 334; Wotjobaluk, 334, 370; Mukjarawaint, 334; tribes of South-west Victoria, 335-6; Yuin, 342; Kamilaroi, Gringai, Geawe-gal, 343; Kurnai, 344-8; Chepara. 355
Omens and warnings, 400-2
Omeo tribe, see Ya-itma-thang; see Theddora
Organisation, local and social, 42
O'Rourke, J., 197, 354
Painchunga tribe, 69
Palmer, E., 105, 110, 236, 268
Pardnappa, initiation ceremony, see Parnkalla
Parent and child marriage, how prevented, 284 sqq.
Parker, Protector E. S. , 443, 459, 492
Parnkalla tribe, 47, 67; betrothal, 191; Warrara ceremony, 667-8; Pardnappa ceremony, 668-9; Wilyalkinyi ceremony, 669-71
Paruinji tribe, 50; class system, 99
Peek-whuurong tribe, 69
Perigundi legend, see Dieri
Petrie, Tom, 137, 237, 323, 333, 385, 399, 401, 418, 445, 470, 581, 740, 741. 747. 753. 755. 768
Physical features of South east Australia, 34-40
Pinya, see Dieri
Pirrauru, see Marriage
Pitcheri expedition, see Dieri
"Pointing the bone," Dieri, 359-60; Tongaranka, 360; Wotjobaluk, 361, 368; Kurnai. 361-2; Jajaurung. 363; Mukjarawaint, 369; Wiradjuri, magical pointing, 361
Poison, alleged use of, 362
Port Jackson tribes, marriage rules, 268; Headmen, 315; burial, 463-4; initiation ceremonies, 566-9
Port Macquarie tribe, Kabbarah ceremonies, 576-8
Port Phillip blacks, burial. 458
Port Stephens tribe, marriage rules, 268; Headmen, 316; rain-dispersers, 371; burial, 465; legendary beings, 496; Coen, 496; initiation ceremonies, 572-4; gestures, 726; nose-perforation, 741; mutilation, 747
Projecting evil substances, see Magic
Punishment of offences, 326-48 ; for transgressing class laws, 183, 194, 196, 208, 222, 332
Purbung ceremonies, see Ta-tathi
Quartz crystal, use of, by medicine-men, 357-8
Queensland tribes, some of, 58. 59, 60
Queenslander, the, 111, 220
Rainbow, see Beliefs
Rainfall, tables of, 39
Rain-makers and weather-changers, see Medicine-man
Red-ochre pigment (Wilya), 762; expeditions, see Dieri, and Yantruwunta
Relationships, classificatory system of, 156; Dieri. 158; Kurnai, 168
Ridley, Rev. William, 4, 103, 199, 202, 203, 494, 502-3
Roasting, see Magic
Roe, D. Elphinstone, 129, 258, 313, 484, 744, 746
Roth, H. Ling, 4, 8, 31
Roth, Dr. W. E., 42, 65, 118
Rugs, opossum, of Kurnai, 742