method of enumeration, 702; barter, 718; cannibalism, 751
James, Frank, 446, 449
Jeraeil ceremonies, see Kurnai
Jibauk ceremonies, see Jajaurung, and Wurunjerri
Johnston, R. M., 22
Jupagalk tribe, 243; betrothal, 244; evil magic with roasting, 244, 365; fat-taking, 372; Bangal (medicine-man), 386; burial, 455; tielief in clairvoyance before death, 466; ceremonies, 614; messengers, 689; barter, 718
Jurobaluk tribe, 55
Kabbarah ceremonies, see Port Macquarie tribe
Kadri-pariwilpa-ulu, see Legends of initiation
Kaiabara tribe, 60; class system, 116; diagram of marriages and descents, 116; marriage rules, 228-30; compared with Kamilaroi, 229; totemic marriages, 229; old men instruct boys, 230; record of class names, 231; government, 304; Headman, 304; tribal council, 324; punishment of offences, 333; burial, 469; initiation ceremonies, 607; smoke signals, 722; camping rules, 776
Kamilaroi nation, 56-7, 84; class system, 104, 200; diagrams of marriage and descent, 115, 300-2; diagram of class system, 200; diagram of class system compared with Dieri, 201; anomalous marriage rules, 203-4; marriage rule, 205-7; remarriage of widow, 207; mother-in-law, 208; female captives, 208; punishment of offences, 208, 332, 343; diagram of Kamilaroi and Kaiabara marriages and descents, 229; tribal government, 302; Headman, 302; alleged use of poison, 362-3; fat-taking, 376; burial, 466-7; tribal All-father, 494; Bora ceremonies, 593-595; messengers, 687, 688-9; smoke signals, 721
Kamiri, see Yantruwunta, and Yaurorka
Karamundi nation, 49-50, 97; marriage rule, 194; tribal government, 301; rain-makers, 396; food rules, 762-3
Karaweli-wonkana ceremony, see Dieri
Kaura tribe, infanticide, 749
Keane, A. H., 31, 32
Kempe, H., 727, 728-35
Keramin tribe, 195
Kerinma tribe, 52
Kirkham, J. H., 64, 113, 226, 324, 333, 399, 691, 729-34
Knopwood, Rev. —, 313
Kombaingheri tribe, 84; class names, 105; marriage, 268-9
Kongait tribe, 49, 98
Kongulu tribe, class system, 111-12; marriage rules, 220
Kreft, Gerard, 17
Kühn, Julius, 67, 416
Kuinmurbura tribe and nation, 60, 64; class system, 111; marriages, 218-20; betrothal, 219; remarriage of widow, 220; rain-makers, 399; burial, 471; message-stick, 709-10
Kukata tribe, 47, 66; burial, 450
Kulin nation, 54, 70; class system, 126-7; marriage rules, 252-3; tribal government, 308-9; Headmen, 309; stone quarry, 311; tribal council, 324; evil magic and roasting, 365; legends, 485; tribal All-father, 491-2; initiation ceremonies, 609; method of enumeration, 702-3; barter, 718; cannibalism, 752; food rules and daily life, 767
Kulpi ceremony, see Dieri
Kumbukabura tribe, 63
Kundri, see Turrbal tribe
Kunki, see Dieri
Kurbin-aii ceremonies, see Turrbal
Kuringal ceremonies, see Yuin, and Wolgal
Kuriwalu tribe, gesture language, 727-34
Kurnai tribe, 73-6, 134 ; Bunjil-baul, 73-4 ; totems, 135 ; sex totems, 147- 50; relationship terms, 168; marriage and descent, 171, 272 ; Diagram XXIV., marriages and descents, 270 ; intermarrying localities, 271-2 ; elope- ment, 273-9; mother-in-law, 279; wife's father, 279-80 ; Headmen, 317- 18; tribal council, 325-6; nungi- nangit, 345-8 ; blood -feud, 348-52 ; Brewin, 356; magical roasting, 361-2; belief in clairvoyance before death, 371 ; fat- taking, 372 ; evil magic, 376-8; Mulla-mullung(medicine-man), 379-80, 408-9; song-charm, 388; Birraark (medicine-man), 388-93, 416- 18 ; rain-makers, 397 ; burial, 458 ; bret, 459-60 ; legend of Lohan, 485 ; Muk-kurnai, 487; tribal All-father, 490, 492-3 ; Jeraeil ceremonies, 616- 38 ; bull-roarers, 628 ; messengers, 690,707; message-stick, 706-7; signal, 722-3 ; gestures, 725 ; names from youth to age, 736-9 ; nose perforation, 741; op)ossum-skin rugs, 742; cica- trices, 743-4 ; infanticide, 750; canni- balism, 752 ; food rules, 756-9 ; kind- ness to wives, 766 ; consequence of
eating forbidden food, 769 ; ball-