tribes, 233, 235, 236; Wotjobaluk, 247-8; Wurunjerri, 256; Narrang-ga, 260; Narrinyeri, 261; Gringai, Port Stephens tribe, 267; Port Jackson tribe, 268; Chepara tribe, 280
Fire drills, 770-3
Fish, Narrinyeri superstition as to, 763
Fish-hooks, Kurnai, 761
Fison, Dr. Lorinier, 43, 67, 88, 103. 144, 199. 203. 511. 557
Fitzroy, Capt. R., 2
Flowers, W. H., 31, 60, iii, 218, 399, 471, 710
Food, rules, 756-70; fear of magic in, 767; charms and ceremonies to influence supply, see Magic
Fowler's Bay tribe, ceremonies of initiation, 667
Fraser, Dr. John, 7, 84, 204, 267, 502
Frazer, J. G. , on exogamy, 284 sqq.
Gaggin, J., 431, 474, 499, 720, 777
Ganitch ceremonies, see Wotjobaluk
Garside, Capt., 384, 452
Gaskell, F. , 450, 667, 720
Gason, S. , 186, 297, 300-1, 320-3, 326, 354. 358-9. 394-6, 427-8, 434, 448-9, 476, 480, 503, 655-7, 660-1, 662. 664, 683, 711, 714, 727-32, 744, 751
Gaura, see Kurnandaburi
Geawe-gal tribe, 84, 105; betrothal and elopement, 216; marriage rules, 216-17; female captives, 216; tribal government, 316; Headmen, 316; tribal council, 325; punishment of offences, 343 I burial, 464; ceremonies of initiation, 569-74; messengers, 689
Gesture language, 723-35
Ghosts, see Beliefs
Gibson, James, 136, 280-1, 319, 326, 354. 385. 437. 469. 498. 581. 691, 709, 741, 770
Giglioli, E. H., 4, 9
Gillen, F. J. , 67. See also Spencer and Gillen.
Gommera, see Yuin
Gournditch-mara tribe, 69; class system, 124; marriages, 249; burial, 253; Headmen, 306; message-stick, 699; food rules, 765
Grangema tribe, 52
Grihble, J. H., 105. 466, 776
Grimshaw, J. W. , 17. See also Etheridge, and David
Gringai tribe, 85; marriage rules and ceremony, 266-7; female captives, 267; elopement, 267; mother-in-law, 267; Headmen, 315; tribal council, 325; punishment of offences. 343-4; burial, 464; initiation ceremonies, 570-2; messenger, 689; signal, 721; food rules, 767
Guerno tribe, 50
Guillemard, F. H. H., 12
Gurildra, see Narrang-ga
Haddon, Dr. A. C. , on totemism, 152, 154
Headmen, Dieri, 297-300; Yantruwunta, 299; Yaurorka, 300; Tongaranka, Wiimbaio, Theddora, 301; Yuin. 302, 314; Ngarigo and Wolgal, Kamilaroi, 302; Wiradjuri, 303; Dalebura, Bigambul, Kaiabara, Wotjo nation, 304; Mukjarawaint, 304-5; Gourn-ditch-mara, 306; Wurunjerri, 307; South-west Victoria, 308-11; Kulin, 308-11; Yerkla- mining, Narrang-ga, 313; Narrinyeri, 314; Port Jackson tribes, Gringai, 315; Port Stephens tribes, Geawe-gal, 316; Kurnai, 317-18; Chepara, 318-19
Hearn, Dr. W. E., 81
Helms, Richard, 196, 302, 566, 693
Herbert River tribes, beliefs, 431; burial, 474-5; tribal All-father, 499; hereditary occupations, 720; camping rules, 776
Hilleri and Willuri tribes, 47; signals, 720
Hogarth, J., 93, 187
Holmes, C. F. , per Dr. John Fraser, 267
Hook, A., 325, 464, 571
Horde, definition of, 44
Hospitality to friendly stranger, 234-5, 725
Howitt, M. E. B. , 360, 398, 428-9, 430-1, 433, 478, 485-6
Howitt, Richard, 309. 458, 492
Hunter, Stanley, 16
Individual ownership, Bunjil-baul, 73-4; at Port Jackson, 75; stone quarries, 311, 689; Bunya-Bunya trees, 768
Infanticide. 748-50
Initiation ceremonies, eastern type, 509-642 ; western type, 643-77
Ipswich tribe, 746
Ita-ita tribe, 56
Itchumundi nation, 49, 97; marriage rule. 194; ceremonies, 675-6; message-sticks, 682
Ithi-ithi tribe, 50
Jack, Dr. R. L., 13, 14
Jajaurung tribe, 71; Bangal (medicine-man), 369 ; burial, 458-9; Jibauk ceremonies, 613-14; messengers, 689;