Diagram XXVI. Exogamous sections of community, 285
XXVII. Do. do. 286
XXVIII. Descent under Salic Law, 288
XXIX. Do. do. 291
XXX. Plan of burial arrangements, Wotjo nation, 454
XXXI. Yuri-ulu legend, 654
XXXII. Kurnai camping rules, 774
XXXIII. Wurunjerri camping rules, 775
Dieri tribe, 44; Murdus, 91; Perigundi legend, 95-6; distribution of, 96; tabulated marriages and descents, 158-9; relationship terms, 160-8; diagram of marriages and descents, 163; diagram of classes and totems, 175; marriage rules, 175-81; diagram of marriages and descents, 176; betrothal, 177; diagram of class and totem relationships, 179; group marriage, 179-87; elopement, 183; abhorrence of irregular unions, 187; diagram of marriages and descents compared with Urabunna, 189; diagram of Dieri and Kamilaroi marriages and descents, 201; tribal government, 297; Pinya, 297, 326-32, 680; Headmen, 297-300; tribal council, 320-23; Kunki (medicine-man), 358-9; "pointing the bone," 359; rain-makers, 394-6; ceremonies to influence food supply, 399, 798; Milky Way, 431; Kutchi, 446; burial practice, 446-9; cannibalism, 448; Mura-muras, 475; legends of, 476-82; initiation ceremonies, 655-64; knocking out of teeth, 655-6; Kara-weli-wonkana ceremony, 656-8; Wilyaru ceremony, 658-61; Mindari ceremony, 661-2; Kulpi ceremony, 662-4; Wilpadrina ceremony, 664; messengers, 679-85; Pitched expedition, 710-11; red-ochre expedition, 711-12; Yutchin, 713-14; barter for skins, 714; smoke signals, 720; widow, 724; gesture language, 727-35; cicatrices, 744; cannibalism, 750-1; fire drills, 770; camping rules, 773; Murdu legend, 779-80; legend of Mandramankana, 781-3; legend of Anti-etya, 796-7; legend of Darana, 798-800; Tirari legend of Palungopina, 800; legend of Ngura-wordu-punnuna, 803-6
Doenbauraket tribe, 55
Dora ceremonies, see Maryborough tribes
Doyle, Cyrus E., 104, 200, 207, 208, 362, 439, 467, 494, 595
Dreams, see Beliefs
Dungog tribe, burial custom, 464-5; ceremonies, 574-6
Earl, Geo. W., 26
Earth believed to be flat, 426, 432
Elopement, Dieri, 183; Kurnandalmri, 193; Wiimbaio, 194; Theddora, 196; Ya-itma-thang, 197; Ngarigo and Wolgal, 198; Wiradjuri, 211; Geawegal, 216; WoUaroi, 217; Wakelbura, 222-5; Maryborough tribes, 233; Wide Bay tribes, 236; Wotjo nation, 245; Gournditch-mara, 249; Wurunjerri, 254-6; Yerkla-mining, 258; Narrang-ga, 259; Narrinyeri, 261; Yuin, 264; marriage by, in Kurnai tribe, 273-9
Emon tribe class system, 109; compared with Bigambul and Ungorri, 109
Encounter Bay, ceremonies of tribe, 672-3
Enumeration, of Bunjil's sons by Kulin, 128; Wotjobaluk, 697-8; Wurunjerri, 701-2; of stages of a journey, 702-3; Wudthaurung and Jajaurung, 702; Yuin, 718; of children by Wakelbura, 748
Etheridge, R., jun., 6, 13, 17. See also David, and Grimshaw
Eucla tribe gesture language, 727, 732, 733, 734, 735
Everett, A., 19
Evil beings, Wulle of Chepara, 354; Brewin of Kurnai, 356; Ngarrang of Wurunjerri, 356 ; Kutchi of Dieri, 446; Tulugal of Yuin, 462; Coen of Port Stephens tribe, 496
Exogamy deliberately instituted to prevent incest, 284 sqq.
Expeditions, tribal, see Dieri and Yantru-wunta
Eyre, E. J., 3
Eyre, Lake, tribes, 44-49
Fat, human, used in magic, Wiimbaio, 367-8; Wotjobaluk, 368-9; Jajaurung, 369; Mukjarawaint, Jupagalk, 372; Kurnai, 372-3; Wurunjerri, 373-5; at Omeo, 373; Yuin, 373, 376-7; Wolgal, 373; Wiradjuri, 374-5; Kamilaroi, Dungog, 376; belief as to, 410-11
Father, care of wife's, Wurunjerri, 256; Kurnai, 279-80, 756, 758, 760
Feehan, M. J., 99
Female captives, Ta-tathi, 195; Keramin, 195; Kamilaroi, 208; Geawe-gal, 216; Kuinmurbura, 220; Wakelbura, 225; ceremonial, 233-4; Maryborough