who were on a small level clear space. Brupin and another man were carefully clearing a small piece of ground, and with pointed sticks dug out a figure of Daramulun, leaving it about twelve inches in relief. It was in the attitude of the magic dance, and was provided with pieces of wood for teeth, and a mouthful of quartz fragments as Joïas, the male member being much exaggerated. According to ancient usage, a collection of the implements and weapons used by the Yuin should have been
FIG. 32.—EARTH FIGURE IN RELIEF OF DARAMULUN. placed round the figure, but, as most of these are not
now used by the Murring, they were omitted. When completed the figure was nearly life-size. The men then disguised themselves with boughs over their heads, and formed a close row across and in front of the feet of the figure. The novices were now brought down by their Kabos to the rear of the men who were dancing, and who then formed a ring, danced five times round the figure shouting the name Daramulun in time to the dance. Another dance to the name Ngalalbal followed, and the novices were then led to the figure. Gunjerung discoursed to them about it. What he said I gathered first from a rapid explanation by Umbara, and then from what Gunjerung said to the Wolgal boy in English: "That is the Biamban you have been told about, who can go anywhere and do anything. If you make a thing like that when you go back to the camp, or speak of it to the women and children, you will be killed." The boughs were now thrown on to the figure, and the whole covered up as had been done with the foot-holes and the Talmaru.