Practical and Uteful Books published by
But It is not od tbU ground ttloae that it aspires to palronage. It takes a wider range, and, bj including in its dciigo, the hisloiy, the qualities, and tbe different breeds of the Doe — -th&t half-reasoning friend and companion of man^it enlarges its claims to geoeral reception. Who is there that has not, at some period of his life, acknowledged the influence of an attachment between himself andhiadog? Who is there that does not recognize in this faithful, vigilanl, Mgacious, humble, and silent friend, the possessor of qualilisB which aie not always to be found in the human and more talkative friend 1 It is only necessarj further to observe (hat the literary eiecotion and graphic embellish ment of this work are not unworthy of the subjects delineated. With respect to the latter, the ProfHietors conQdenllf anticipate that the namea of the Artiats employed are a sufficient guarantee ; while the former i» the pcoduclion of an eiperienced Sportsman. Tlu /oU«tBiiie are the Sulgecti of the Plalet whuh embellith the " Sperttmmt's BtpMUary -■"— HORSES. , — GoDOLFHiN Ababiak, the Property of Lord Godolphin. .— Arabiak, tbe Property of the Sight Hon. Henry Wellesley. . — Eclipse and Shaesfeare, two celebiated Racers. .— KiNo Herod and Flvinb Childerb, tbe Property of the Duke of Deronsbire. .— Stallion, Jupiter, the Property of Lieutenant-Colonel ThortitOD. , — Charger, the Properly of Major-General Warde. . — HoNTER, Dmuombe, the Property of George Treacher, Esq. .— Hacer, Eleanor, tbe Property of Sir Charles Bunbary, Bart .— Hacenev, Roan Hiltji. 10. — Coach-Horse, the Property of Henry Villebois, Esq. II. — Cari-Hdrse, Dampiing, the Property of Messrs. Home and Devey. la.— Pomes, Shellani, Fareiter, and WeUh, thePropeny of Jacob Wardell, Eiq. 13. — A Mole, the Property of Lord Holland— and an Ass. . Puga. . Bloodhound's Head. . Portraits of Five Stag Hounds, of the Hatfield Hunt. . Alpine Mastiff. . Shepherd's Dog. 8. Water Spaniel. I 16. Beagles. . Newfonndland 9. Stag Hound. IT. Harriers. Dog. 10. Foe Hounds. 18. Terriers. . Greenland Dog. 11. Greyhound. 19. Lurcher. A. Pointer. 12. Irish Greyhound. 20. Water Dog. . Spanish Pointer. 13. Italian Greyhound. 21. Bull Dog. . Setter. 14. Blood Hound. 29. MastiB'. . Springer. 15. Southern Hound. { 23. Dalmatian. For the accomiuodation of Admirers of the Fine Arts, and Gentlemen forming a Cabinet Collection of Sporting Pictures, a limited number of Impressions are taken off, for the purpose of Framing, or for the Portfolio ; any of which may be hud separately. Price of the Proofs, on India Paper, 4(. and Prints, 2g. each. The Work, complete, compreheuds Ten Parts, price Si, each ; or, with Proof Impressiona of the Plates on India Paper, Tt. 6d. forming a splendid Volume in Quatto— price £2 : 12 : 6, in boards; or with tbe Plates on India I'aper, price £4, neatly half-bound rusaia — the whole illustrated with Forty Copper- plates, all engraved, in (he Line manner, by Mr. Joi[n Scott and Mr. Thomas Lanosier, from Original Paintings by those eminent Animal Painters, Marshall, Beinagle, Gilpin, Stdbbs, Cooper, and Ebwjw Landbeer. They are executed in the very first itjle of excellence, and may justly be considered as ch^i d'auvrei in the Art. Etery species of the Horse and Dog is comprised in the Collection; and the Proprietors do not hesitate to
challenge a similar Exhibition in the whole Sporting World.