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Sherwood, Oilherl, and Piper,

SCOTTS DEUNEATIONS OF THE HORSE AND DOG. SPORTSMAN'S REPOSITORY; SERIES OF HIGHLY- FINISHED ENGRAVINGS, REPBESENTING THE HORSE AND THE DOG, IN ALL TtlBIR VARIETIES; EXECDTED, IN THE LINE UANNER, BY MR. JOHN SCOTT AND MR. THOMAS LANDSEER, FROM PAINTINOl BIT MARSHALL, ftEINAGLE, GILPIN, STUBBS, AND COOPER i ACOOHPANIBD WITH J COXPREHENSIVE HISTORICAL AND SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION DIFFERENT SPECIES OF EACH, THEIR APPROPRIATE USES, MANAGEHBNT, IHPROTEUENT, fte. THE AUTHOR OF " BRITISH FIELD SPORTS." Il woald be difficult to imaigine ui; aelectioa from ths gmt itoreboiue of Natare more likel; td merit seserkl atlentioD, or lo excite geuenl interest, thsD the odc to wiiioh we dow invite Public Notice. Of all tbe loimali in CcMlins, (with the eiceptioti of tboM which minister (o OUT carniTotouB appetites,) it would be iiopoHibte to name two which are bo InllmaCelf associated with oor wants, out pleaanrei, and our attachments, U the Hoase and tbe Doe. To the former we are indebted for tbe power of tranBportiDg oarBelvel from place lo pUce, with speed and comfort, and for the means of (UtiticipMiDg in the manly Kod heatbful Sport* of the Field; while the latmursof Agiicullnre, and thepursait* of Commerce, are no less iirdcbtcd to it for increased

Mtivi^ and ppedocUveDeas.

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