would have been found, if left to their choice, to proceed to Sydney.
However, although the orders created vexation and surprise; yet, on reflection, it was evident that something of the kind might have been expected, from the unfavourable reports that had been, in the first instance, transmitted to head-quarters respecting the settlement.
We also learned, that H. M. S. Satellite might be daily expected, on her way to India; and the colonial brig Governor Phillips, to assist in conveying the settlers to Sydney.
The ship Reliance was also about to leave Sydney, to proceed, through Torres' Straits, for India. As there were several newly-married people on board, it was hoped she would get safely through,—as a reef, or a crowded boat, would not be a very agreeable place to spend the honey-moon.
On the 24th of July, about midnight, my friend Mr. Radford died. He had been complaining ever since his arrival from Coupang, and had been confined to bed for the last fortnight, during which, he was sedulously attended by Dr. Davis. But the force of the disease,—acute hepatitis, supervening on the chronic form,—baffled his best-directed exertions.
It may easily be imagined that I felt, very severely, the loss of an individual whose friendship I had experienced under circumstances not easily to be forgotten. On Sunday, after divine service, he was consigned to