to negotiate such an arrangement had it
been desirable. But Zamore would not leave his master; he sacrificed his self-love to his love,—a devotion which one cannot hope very often to find among men.
Our dancer was replaced by a singer named Kobold,—a King Charles spaniel of the purest breed, brought from the famous kennels of Lord Lauder. Nothing earthly was ever so like a chimera as this droll little creature, with his enormous, bulging forehead, his prominent eyes, his nose which seemed broken off at the base, and his long ears which swept the ground. Carried over to France, Kobold, who spoke only English, seemed at first to be half-*stupefied. The orders given were perfectly unintelligible to him. Trained to obey "Go on," "Come here," he stood motionless and perplexed at the sound of "Va" and "Va-t'en."
It took him a year to learn the language