Abraham, 165.
Adam, fall of, 118, 122.
Age, consummation of, 139,
Amusements, harmful, 105 ;
maintained by coercion, 106.
Anger, the commandment
against, 70 ct seq.; destruc
tive of happiness, 247 ;
temptations to, 247.
&.v[(TTr)/j.i, meaning of, 146.
Army, the Christophile, 15.
Art has forsaken the Church,
auferstehn, meaning of, 146.
Aurelius, Marcus, 126.
Average man, the, and the
problem of existence, 229.
Belief, if true, always brings
forth works, 1GO et seq.
Believers, and the problem of
existence, 228.
Berditchef, circus at, 135, 157.
Bible, 17.
Biblical references. O. T.:
Gen. (iii. 22) 149; Exod. (iii.
) 144; Levit. (xix. 12) 86,
(xix. 17, 18) 94; Deut. (xiii.
, 34) 86, (xxiv. 1) 77, (xxx.
-19) 150, (xxxii. 39, 40)
- Judges (ix. 4) 76; Sam.
(I. viii.-xii.) 18; Isaiah (Ixi.
1,2) 110. N.T.: Matt. (iv.
1-11) 178, (iv. 37) 253, (v.)
17, (v., vi., vii.) 5, (v. 17-
) 51, 52, 53, (v. 18) 262,
(v. 19) 70, (v. 21-26) 70, 76,
(v. 21-48) 69, (v. 22-44) 109,
(v. 27-32) 77, (v. 28-32) 109,
(v. 32) 79, 81, (v. 33-37) 86,
91, (v. 34-37) 109, (v. 36) 89,
(v. 38, 39) 7, 8, (v. 38-42)
92, 93, 110, (v. 40) 26, (v. 43-
48) 95, 110, (v. 44) 256, (vii.
1) 23, (vii. 12) 57, (x. 10) 200,
254, (xi. 30) 14, (xii. 16-21)
, (xii. 31) 217, (xii. 35-
40) 139, (xii. 40) 145, (xiii.
52) 62, (xiv. 2) 146, (xvi. 13-
) 145, (xvi. 21) 145, (xvii.
23) 145, (xix.) 79, (xix. 4-6)
250, (xix. 4-9) 80, (xix. 9)
81, 84, (xix. 17) 151, (xx. 1-
16) 167, 168, (xx. 19) 145,
(xx. 20-28) 166, (xxi. 33-42)
, (xxii. 44) 98, (xxiii. 13-
35) 217, (xxv. 14-46) 142,
(xxvi. 32) 145, (xxvii. 42)
163; Mark (viii. 31) 145, (ix.
31) 145, (x. 5-12) 79, (x. 28