state of felicity, there is still your own personal life to be considered. This life you can use by living in conformity to reason, or you can waste it by living in opposition to reason, and you have now for its guidance no rule whatever, except the decrees drawn up by men whom }*ou do not esteem, and enforced by the police. The doctrine of Jesus offers you rules which are assuredly in accord with your law of " altruism," which is nothing but a feeble paraphrase of this same doctrine of Jesus.
Let us suppose that you are an average man, half sceptic, half believer, one who has no time to ana lyze the meaning of human life, and one therefore who has no determinate theory of existence. You live as lives the rest of the world about you. The doc trine of Jesus is not at all contrary to your condition. You are incapable of reason, of verifying the truths of the doctrines that are taught you; it is easier for you to do as others do. But however modest may be your estimate of your powers of reason, you know that you have within you a judge that sometimes ap proves your acts and sometimes condemns them. However modest your social position, there are occa sions when you are bound to reflect and ask your self, " Shall I follow the example of the rest of the world, or shall I act in accordance with my own judgment? " It is precisely on these occasions when you are called upon to solve some problem with re gard to the conduct of life, that the commandments of Jesus appeal to you in all their efficiency. The commandments of Jesus will surely respond to your