lived, that is, made war, put criminals to death, built the Temple, organized his entire existence in one way and not another, because, as he was con vinced, he thereby followed the laws which God him self had promulgated. We may say the same of the Hindu, the Chinaman, the Roman, and the Moham medan. A similar response was given by the Christian a century ago, and is given by the great mass of Christians now.
A century ago, and among the ignorant now, the nominal Christian makes this reply: * Compulsory military service, wars, tribunals, and the death pen alty, all exist in obedience to the law of God trans mitted to us by the Church. This is a fallen world. All the evil that exists, exists by God's will, as a punishment for the sins of men. For this reason we can do nothing to palliate evil. "We can only save our own souls by faith, by the sacraments, by prayers, and by submission to the will of God as transmitted by the Church. The Church teaches us that all Christians should unhesitatingly obey their rulers, who are the Lord's anointed, and obey also persons placed in authority by rulers; that they ought to defend their property and that of others by force, wage war, inflict the death penalty, and in all things submit to the authorities, who command by the will of God."
Whatever we may think of the reasonableness of these explanations, they once sufficed for a believing Christian, as similar explanations satisfied a Jew or a Mohammedan, and men were not obliged to re-