parents, was introduced into the catechism to sustain and justify slavery.
With regard to the sixth commandment, " Tliou shalt not Ml," the instructions of the catechism are from the first in favor of murder.
" Question. What does the sixth commandment forbid?
"Answer. It forbids manslaughter, to take the life of one's neighbor in any manner whatever.
" Question. Is all manslaughter a transgression of the law?
"Answer. Manslaughter is not a transgression of the law when life is taken in pursuance of its mandate. For example:
" 1st. When a criminal condemned in justice is punished by death.
" 2d. When we kill in war for the sovereign and our country."
The italics are in the original. Further on we read:
" Question. With regard to manslaughter, when is the law transgressed ?
* Answer. When any one conceals a murderer
or sets him at liberty " (sic).
All this is printed in hundreds of thousands of copies, and under the name of Christian doctrine is taught by compulsion to every Russian, who is obliged to receive it under penalty of castigation. This is taught to all the Russian people. It is taught to the innocent children, to the children whom Jesus commanded to be brought to him as