endured. You will find, perhaps to your surprise, that nine-tenths of all human suffering endured by men is useless, and ought not to exist, that, in fact, the majority of men are martyrs to the doctrine of the world.
One rainy autumn day I rode on the tramway by the Sukhareff Tower in Moscow. For the distance of half a verst the vehicle forced its way through a compact crowd which quickly reformed its ranks. From morning till night these thousands of men, the greater portion of them starving and in rags, tramped angrily through the mud, venting their hatred in abusive epithets and acts of violence. The same sight may be seen in all the market places of Moscow. At sunset these people go to the taverns and gaming-houses; their nights are passed in filth and wretchedness. Think of the lives of these people, of what the} r abandon through choice for their present condition; think of the heavy burden of labor without reward which weighs upon these men and women, aud you will see that they are true martyrs. All these people have for saken houses, lands, parents, wives, and children; they have renounced all the comforts of life, and they have come to the cities to acquire that which according to the gospel of the world is indispensa ble to every one. And all these tens of thousands of unhappy people sleep in hovels, and subsist upon strong drink aud wretched food. But aside from this class, all, from factory workman, cab-driver, sewing girl, and lorette, to merchant and government