Nothing is difficult to God, since His wisdom is equally
infinite. God desires our good with an infinite desire, since His goodness is without limit. What can be more capable of inspiring us with great confidence in Him?"
"Have confidence" (Mark vi. 50). Let your care be to possess your soul in peace and tranquillity; let no accident be to you a cause of ill humor.
8. — One Little Secret of a Happy Life
One secret of a sweet and happy Christian life is learning to live by the day. It is the long stretches that tire us. We think of life as a whole, running on for us. We can not carry this load until we are three score and ten. We can not fight this battle continually for half a century. But really there are no long stretches. Life does not come to us all at one time; it comes only a day at a time. Even to-morrow is never ours until it becomes to-day, and we have nothing whatever to do with it but to pass down to it a fair and good inheritance in to-day's work well done, and today's life well lived.
It is a blessed secret this, of living by the day. Any one can carry his burden, however heavy, till nightfall. Any one can do his work, however hard, for one day. Any one can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, until the sun goes down. And all life ever means to us — just one little day. "Do to-day's duty; fight to-day's temptations, and do not weaken or distract yourself by looking forward to things you can not see, and could not understand if you saw them." God gives us nights to shut down upon our little days. We can not see beyond. Short horizons make life easier