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* Slavery, not a political institution, 133.
- Slavery„ right and wrong, considered, 130 seq.
- Slavery„ true nature of, in its cramping, 134.
- Socialism, modern, pref. 21.
- Soldiers, men are ready to die, but not to spend money for their country, 148.
- Soul and body, not really opposed, 6.
- Speculation = peculation, 79.
- Speculation„ evils of, 153 n.
- Spenser quoted, 93.
- Spenser„ his Philotimé, 93.
- Spenser„ Plutus, 88.
- Splendour of living, what it involves to others, 145.
- Sport, shooting of birds, 149.
- State, maintenance of a, defined, 3.
- Steam-agriculture, 149.
- Steam„-power, its true use, 159.
- Store, national, in relation to the currency, 81 seq.
- Stork and frogs, fable of, and tyranny, 126.
- Streams, not to be defiled, 115.
- Success, under competition, its meaning, 139.
- Supply and demand, fallacy of (siege of Paris), pref. 9 seq.
- Supply„ and demand„ results of (Paris print-shops), viii. 4.
- Supply„ and demand„ doctrine, 124.
- Taxation, currencies may be disguised, 78.
- Tennant, Sir Emerson, "Ceylon" quoted, 126.
- Times, June 4, 1862, on killing of birds, 149 n.
- Times„ Dec. 25, 1862, on modern civilization and revolution, 108 n.
- Times„ Feb. 4, 1863, on average earnings of the poor, 124 n.
- Tintoret, author's estimate of, 1851-71, pref. 4.
- Tintoret„ pictures of, and Paris lithographs, pref. 5.
- Tintoret„ pictures of„ in shreds, S. Rocco, 1851 pref. 3.
- Tisiphone, the rule of, 130.
- Tobacco, 65 n.
- Trade has come to mean = fraud, 99.
- Trade„ meaning of word, and traitor, 99.
- Tradesmen are the servants of their customers, 145.
- Trionfo della Morte, 48.
- Trust, meaning of the word, 81 (orig. ess. n.).
- Truths, the great poets veil their greatest, in enigma, 87.
- Tyranny, illustrated by fable of frogs and stork, 126.
- Tyranny„ and monarchy, 123.
- Ulysses, Dante on death of, 93.
- Ulysses„ and the Sirens, their appeal to his vanity, 92.
- Use, possession without, is valueless, 37.
- Use„ power of, essential to wealth, 37.
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