Much Ado About Nothing
drovier: 24 (II. i. 204)
ducats: 32 (II. ii. 54)
dumps: 36 (II. iii. 75)
earnest: 18 (II. i. 43)
ecstasy: 38 (II. iii. 167)
eftest: 78 (IV. ii. 39)
encounter: 4 (I. i. 100)
enfranchised: 15 (I. iii. 35)
enraged: 37 (II. iii. 112)
entertained: 16 (I. iii. 60)
estimation: 31 (II. ii. 25)
Europa: 101 (V. iv. 45)
even: 75 (IV. i. 268)
event: 13 (I. ii. 8)
ever: 29 (II. i. 361)
experimental seal: 71 (IV. i. 168)
faith: 3 (I. i. 76); 100 (V. iv. 8)
false gallop: 61 (III. iv. 94)
Fame, Lady: 24 (II. i. 223)
fancy: 48 (III. ii. 31)
fashion: 15 (I. iii. 30)
fathers herself: 5 (I. i. 116)
favour: 20 (II. 1. 99)
fence: 83 (V. i. 75)
festival terms: 95 (V. ii. 42)
fetch . . in: 9 (I. i. 233)
fine: 9 (I. i. 255)
finer, go the: 9 (I. i. 256)
flat: 25 (II. i. 231)
fleer: 83 (V. i. 58)
fleet: 22 (II. i. 150)
flight, at the: 2 (I. i. 40)
flouting Jack: 7 (I. i. 192)
flow in: 74 (IV. i. 251)
foining: 84 (V. i. 84)
'forehand sin: 66 (IV. i. 50)
foundation: 93 (V. i. 334)
frame (verb): 15 (I. iii. 26)
frame (noun, contrivance): 72 (IV. i. 191)
frame (noun, order): 69 (IV. i. 130)
from: 46 (III. i. 72)
full: 5 (I. i. 114)
getting: 28 (II. i. 338)
girdle, turn his: 86 (V. i. 145)
gives . . out: 24 (II. i. 218)
go about with: 78 (IV. ii. 29)
go in: 7 (I. i. 194)
go near to: 78 (IV. ii. 25)
go to: 8 (I. i. 210)
goes to the world: 28 (II. i. 332)
good den: 50 (III. ii. 83)
Goodman: 62 (III. v. 10)
good-year: 14 (I. iii. 1)
grace, all: 28 (II. i. 317)
grace harmony: 34 (II. iii. 42)
gracious: 69 (IV. i. 109)
guarded—guards: 11 (I. i. 296)
gull: 37 (II. iii. 132)
habit: 73 (IV. i. 229)
haggards: 44 (III. i. 36)
halfpence: 38 (II. iii. 157)
hangman: 48 (III. ii. 11)
happiness: 5 (I. i. 134); 40 (II. iii. 201)
haps: 47 (III. i. 105)
harpy: 26 (II. i. 282)