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Abaissé (Fr.). A paste thinly rolled out, used for lining tarts and soufflés, croustades, etc.

Abatis (Fr.). The head, neck, liver, comb, kernels, and wings of a bird Giblets.

Abrieoté (Fr.). Candied apricot (Eng.). Masked with apricot marmalade.

Absinthe (Fr.). Name of an aromatic plant; also that of a liqueur prepared from this plant, much used in France and Switzerland as a beverage to stimulate the appetite; sometimes used for flavouring purposes.

Swiss Absinthe is made from plants related to wormwood and southernwood.

Aceto dolce (It.) (Sour and sweet). A kind of Italian pickle, prepared with various sorts of fruit, preserved in vinegar and honey. It is served with meats.

Achaja. Name of a Greek wine.

Africaine (à l'). African style. Also a name for small tartlets.

Agneau (Fr.). Lamb (Eng.). A young sheep.

Agneau de lait (Fr.). A milk lamb.

Aide de Cuisine (Fr.). Undercook (Eng.). Assistant cook.

Aiguillettes (Fr.). Needles. Small strips of cooked meat or fish.

Aguille-à-Brider (Fr.). Larding needle.

Ajoutées (Fr.). Added or mixed; small garnish or side dishes served with a vegetable course.

À la Broche (Fr.). Roasted in front of the fire on a spit or skewer.

À la mode de (Fr.). After the style or fashion of, e.g., à la Française, French style; à la Reine, Queen style; à l'lmperatrice, Empress style; à la Russe, Russian style, etc.

À l'Allemande. German style. A term applied to dishes prepared in a manner peculiar to Germany. Thus a dish garnished with sauerkraut and pork (pickled and boiled) is called à l'Allemande. A dish garnished with potato quenelles or smoked sausages may be similarly defined.

Allemande (Fr.). A white reduced velouté sauce, made from veal stock, thickened with flour, cream, yolk of egg, and seasoned with nutmeg and lemon-juice.

Allerei (Ger.). Name of a German dish, consisting of stewed early spring vegetables. A kind of macédoine of vegetables, popular in Leipzig.

Aloyau (Sirloin). The sirloin of beef is said to owe its name to King Charles II, who, dining off a loin of beef, and being well pleased with it, asked the name of the joint. On being told, he said: "For its merit, then, I will knight it, and henceforth it shall be called Sir Loin. In an old ballad the incident is thus referred to—

"Our Second Charles, of fame facete,
On loin of beef did dine;
He held his sword, pleased, o'er the meat,
'Arise, thou famed Sir Loin!'"

Ambigue (Fr.). A term indicating that the meat and sweets are served at the same time.


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