up. Hamilton and Mortimer again meet with
Scribble, who gives an Account of the wonderful
Extent of his Erudition. He knows every
thing, and writes on every Subject: instructs
his Hearers that all are inferior to himself.
He denies the Praise of Genius to those to
whom it is universally allowed. He departs.
Hamilton unfolds to Mortimer his real Talents
and Abilities. Describes him as a mere Drudge
and Bookmaker. Page 28.
The Party repairs to the Library. Doctor Fatgoose
harangues on Public Affairs. Dispute
between him and Captain Mortimer. The
Parade. Application of a Soldier for Leave of
Absence, being engaged that Evening to preach.
Granted. Scribble dines with Hamilton's
Party: entertains the Company with an Harangue
about himself. His History of Jack
the Giant-Killer. Scribble's own Praises of his
own History. Criticisms upon others. Mr.
O'Rourke's Admiration of Scribble, consults
him on the Subject of Methodism. Visit to
Shoreham. Return. Party to the Promenade