but, I much question whether your capital
be sufficient." "But your ladyship has not yet answered my question:—Who of our friends are at Brighton?" "Oh! abundance; there is my Lord Spindle, Viscount Ogle, Sir Billy Butterfly, Tommy Titmouse, the Lady Leerwell, the Dowager Dimple, the Countess of Cockdie, Lady Frances Faro, Sir John Jockey, and an old friend of your house, his new-married lady, and various others, whom I have not time now to recount." During this dialogue, a plump, sturdy, rosy-cheeked person made up to Mr. Chatter, who received him with much heartiness. "Ah, my good friend, Kit Cotton, who thought of seeing you at Brighton?" "Being now less off business, and a gemman, I have come down a bit to see your doings." "So you have left off business."