the Valour of Hamilton, saved Hamden from
being murdered. Gratitude of the Baronet.
His Wound mends but slowly. Maria's Concern
entirely dispelled. The Mortimers and
Hamiltons return to London. Page 159
Hamilton resumes his literary Pursuits: engages
in Criticism. Indulgence of young and
gallant Reviewers to fair Writers. Miss
Lacecap, the Milliner, brings a Novel for
Hamilton's Inspection. Her Reason for writing.
Story of the Maze of Marbles taken from
Pyramid and Thisby. Praises of Sentiment.
Remarks on the Word "Error." Introduction
of the Marvellous to English Works of
Amusement. 197
Hamilton engages in a great Work. John
Mortimer obtains an Appointment on the Continent.
Hamden arrives in Town, and renews
his Addresses to Maria. He conceives
that Hamilton is to become the Husband of
Miss Primrose. She and her Mother enter-*