founded; the gout had returned to his
stomach, with more violence than ever; every regimen and medicine requisite in such cases was employed, but all to no purpose. A few hours brought the malady to a fatal termination. The family was long inconsolable for the loss of such a head. By degrees, reflection and time allayed their affliction. Mrs. Hamilton, tenderly loving all her children, was most strongly attached to her eldest son, who was the exact image of his father; she could not bear the thought of parting with him. When the time approached that he must return to London, she proposed to make the metropolis her residence, and considered her finances, if Ĺ“conomically managed, as adequate to such an undertaking. Her late husband, ever since his marriage, had been extremely Ĺ“conomical, and, in addition to his own fifteen hundred pounds, hav-