she meaks geam of me and the new
light, but for that matter she used to meak geam of me before I was convarted; so I thought, Sir, I would make bold to ax if your reverence would lend me your assistance." "Oh, that I will." A female voice was now heard calling "Jerry, come along and mind your business," and the door opening, a tall strapping wench appeared. "Come now, Polly, hear what this good man can do for your welfare and comfort, and do not be obstropulous, but obedient." The preacher having regarded her with much complacency said, "Mr. Jerry, you may lave us, I can instruct your spouse without your company." Jerry withdrew, and the wife was about to follow him, but he begged her to hear him a few minutes, she would not find his instructions so disagreeable as she apprehended. A par-