There had been, it seems, a play in an
adjoining barn; and the greater number of the spectators were at supper in the wide and extensive theatre; but a few of the higher order were promoted to the dining room, and our travellers overheard some dramatic criticism. A decent substantial looking man declared himself extremely delighted, and was proceeding with particulars, when a great, stout, portly figure entered in a dress which appeared to be an old sailor's jacket bespangled with whip-*cord, and whispering something to the waiter, was shewn to a box facing that of Hamilton. The company was at first silent, and then began a clapping, but not so loud as to prevent the waiter's voice from being heard bawling, "eggs and bacon for the ghost, and a pot of mild ale," and soon after, "for the queen, a glass of crank hot and strong,