The castle of Blenheim was founded by Queen
In the fourth year of her reign,
In the year of the christian æra 1705,
A monument designed to perpetuate the memory
of the
Signal victory
Obtained over the French and Batavians,
Near the village of Blenheim,
On the banks of the Danube,
By John, Duke of Marlborough,
The hero, not only of this nation, but of this age,
Whose glory was equal in the council and in the field;
Who by wisdom, justice, candour, and address,
Reconciled various and very opposite interests;
Acquired an influence
Which no rank, no authority can give,
Nor any force but that of superior virtue;
Became the fixed important centre,
Which united in one common cause,
The principal states of Europe;
Who, by military knowledge, and irresistible
In a long series of uninterrupted triumphs,
Broke the power of France,
When raised the highest, when exerted the most,
Rescued the empire of desolation;
Asserted and confirmed the liberties of Europe.