"Bevis. O miserable age! Virtue is
not regarded in handicraftsmen.
"Holland. The nobility think scorn to go in leather aprons.
"Bevis. Nay more, the King's council are no good workmen.
"Holland. True, and yet it is said—labour in thy vocation; which is as much as to say, let the magistrates be labouring men, and therefore should WE be magistrates."
We may observe a vast similiarity of policy between John Cade himself and Tom Paine. Says Paine, "Down with your lords and commons, and kings and bishops, destroy them all: pull down your universities, and cathedrals, and corporations; down, down with them all!" Cade had long before anticipated the same exhortations. "Go, (says he,) and set London-bridge on fire; and, if you can, burn down the tower