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to 622 of the double-columned pages, Prefaces (to tlie First, Third and Fourth, and Eighth Editions) with Contents occupying xvi. pp. more. The Aristotelian Society for the Systematic Study of Philosophy held the last (business) meeting of its Fifth Session on June 23. The members of the Committee were re-elected, and a program agreed upon, for the ensuing, Sixth, Session, which commences on Monday, Oct. 20 ; when the President will deliver an Address on " The Eelation of Philosophy to Science, Physical and Psychological". The program for the Session is as follows. In the historical department, seven evenings will be devoted to the study of Schopenhauer's IVelt ah Wille u. Vorstellung, taking as the subject for each evening a portion of the English translation of vol. i. ; the remaining evenings will be appropriated to the discussion of original communications in the theoretical department. Since the death of Prof. Ulrici, who conducted it for so many years, the oldest of German philosophical journals, Zeitschrift fur Philosophic u. philosophische Kritik, has come under the exclusive editorship of Prof. A. Krohn of Kiel. Mr. Henry Jones, M.A., late Clark Fellow of the University of Glas- . has been appointed to the chair of Mental and Moral Philosophy in the new University College of North Wales, at Bangor. EEVCE PHILOSOPHIQUE. IXme Annee, No. 7. V. Brochard De la croy- ance. J. Delboeuf La matiere brute et la matiere vivante : L'origine de la vie et de la mort. Ch. Secretan La restauration du Thomisme. Analyses et Comptes-rendus (H. Spencer, Principes de Sociologie, iii. ; A. Sidgwick, Fallacies, &e.). Correspondance (Lettre de M. de Pressense sur Les Ori- gines). No. 8. E. Beaussire L'independance de la morale. Th. Ribot Les bases affectives de la personnalite. Rev. generale (G. Tarde Travaux recents sur le socialisme contemporain). Analyses. Notices biblio- graphiques. No. 9. J. Delboeuf La matiere brute et la matiere vivante : La naissance et la niort. P. Tannery La physique de Parmenide. G. Lechalas L'oeuvre scientifique de Malebranche. Analyses, &c. Notices bibliog. Varietes (D'Alembert Reflexions inedites sur la theorie de la musique). LA CRITIQUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. XHIme Annee, Nos. 22-32. L. Dau- riac De 1'idee de necessite (22) ; Psychologic et pedagogie (30). C. Renouvier Henri-Frederic Amiel (25, 29). F. Pillon Affirmation et volition (27). F. Grindelle Deux nouveaux manuels d'education morale et civique (28). LA FlLOSOFIA DELLE SCUOLE IlALIAXE. Vol. XXIX., Disp. 3. L. Ferri Platonismo di Ficino. Dottrina deH'aniore. T. Ronconi Delia S'oposizioni. P. Ragnisco La teleologia nella filosofia moderna. T. ainiani Di nuovo della imputabilita umana. A. Macchia Lettera quinta ad uno studente di Universita. Bibliografia, &c. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHILOSOPHIE, &c. Bd. LXXXIV., Heft 1. O. Michalsky Kant's Kritik der reinen Vernunft u. Herders Metakritik (i.). Th. Achelis Ueber die Naturphilosophie der Gegenwart (iL). M. Braig Der Pessimismus in seinen ethischen Grundlagen. Recensionen, &c. Heft 2. O. Michalsky Kant's K. d. r. V. u. Herder's Metakritik (ii.). Th. Achelis Ueber die Naturphilosophie, &c. (iii.). J. Witte Arthur Schopenhauer. E. Dreher Das Wesen u. die Bedeutung des Skepticis-

mus. E. Zoller Ein schwedischer Bibelforscher : Viktor Rydberg u. sein

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