presses her conviction that, as an inductively reasoned judgment upon the worth of things as actually experienced, Hartmann's eudaeraonological Pessimism is the absolutely highest form that philosophical doctrine can assume. Genie u. Wahnsinn. Eine psychologische Untersuchung von Dr. PAUL RADESTOCK. Breslau : Trewendt, 1884. Pp. vii, 78. The author, whose previous works Schlaf u. Traum and Die Gewohnung M. ihre JVichtigkeit fur die Erziehung have been noticed in MIND XVI. 588 ; XXVI. 315, takes here as the subject of a third psychological monograph that relation of Genius and Madness which has not only often suggested itself to common sense, but in later times been categorically asserted by various thinkers and argued more especially by alienists of distinction. Within limited compass (pp. 1-52), but with a rather elaborate support of confirmatory references and illustrative citations (pp. 53-78), the subject is first treated on a basis of biographical facts, classified and critically sifted, next touched upon physiologically, and then discussed in its psychological aspects. After all reservations made upon the different lines, the author comes to the conclusion that the relation asserted must be allowed, and in view of their psychological affinities as traced has little to suggest as marking the difference between the genius and the madman except that " by their fruits shall ye know them ". The greater the mental affinity, and the more clearly established the danger of passage from the one class to the other, the more important, he urges as the moral of his inquiry, is it that by careful educational training the genius should be strengthened to escape the personal consequences that lie so close to the performance of grand achievements for the race. Psychologisch-cisthetische Essays. Von Dr. SUSANNA RUBINSTEIN. Zweite Folge. Mit clem Bildnisse der Verfasserin. Heidelberg : Winter, 1884. Pp. 278. The authoress published a first series of Essays, of similar character to these, in 1878, which drew considerable attention ; one of them, " The Life of the Senses," setting forth the fundamental idea that varieties of mental habit, as consciously felt or manifested outwardly, are to be traced back for nations and individuals alike to differences of sense-endow- ment. The subjects of the present series are " Fortunes of Presentations," " Time and Space," " Kinds of Movement," " Psychology of the Sexes," " Passion and Affection," " Natural History of Wit," " Greek Phantasy," "Indian Phantasy". The Essays show sound knowledge of the present state of psychological science, with much delicacy of observation. Allgemeine Grundziige der Ethnologie. Von ADOLF BASTIAN, Prof. Dr. Prolegomena zur Begriindung einer naturwissenschaftlichen Psy- chologie auf dem Material des Volkergedankens. Berlin : Dieterich Reimer, 1884. Pp. xxiv., 144. Six chapters on " Geographical Provinces," " Tools," " Property," " Mar- riage," " Law," " Religion, with exhaustive supplement of supporting authorities, designed anew to impress the untiring author's conception of psychology as needing for its scientific basis a systematic induction of ethnological facts. Received also : W. H. O. Sankey, Lectures on Mental Disease, 2nd d., London : H. K. Lewis, pp. 454. F. v. Wieser, Ueber den Ursprung u. die Hauptgesetze des wissenschaft-
lichen Werthes, Wien : Holder, pp. xiv. 214.