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Emanucle Kant. Per CARLO CAXTOKI, Professore di Filosofia all 5 Univer- sita di Pa via. Volume terzo. Milano : Hoepli, 1884. Pp. 436. Prof. Cantoni here completes the very careful and exhaustive exposition he has been making of Kant's -whole philosophical doctrine : the earlier volume.- were noted in Mrs~D XVI. 601 ; XXX. 310. The present volume begins with " Philosophy of Religion " (pp. 1-161), treated in dependence upon the Ethical doctrine in vol. ii. ; next takes up the Critick of Judgment (pp. 162-340); and brings together the various "Minor Doctrines" (Anthro- pology, Ptedagogy, Philosophy of History) in short compass before con- cluding with a general survey of the whole field (pp. 381-436). This final chapter is marked by the same vigour of thought and expression that characterises the detailed criticism which, according to the plan of the book, follows upon each greater part of the exposition ; but while the author is a thoroughly independent critic, as the " Kantian " with whom he likes to hold express dialogue often finds, he is at heart so much at one with the master that in the central thought, as he takes it, of the m- the supremacy of the practical over the theoretic reason, however untrarnrneled this in its own sphere he finds the idea which it most con- cerns the votaries of positive science at the present time, and especially in Italy, to ponder. To the physical realism and naturalistic pantheism pre- vailing in Italy, he desire? to oppose a " metaphysical moralism " or " moral metaphysic " on Kantian lines, the working out of which is reserved for a special treatise to follow. Die Menschenk-hre oder die Anthropology. Von ROBERT GRASSMAXX. Stet- tin : R Grassmann, 1884. Pp. viiL, 432. This volume is one of a connected series of works (already published or still to come) only one of which, Die Formenkhre, referred to by Mr. Venn in Symbolic Logic, seems thus far to have been made in any way known in this country ; but neither in the country of their origin do they appear to have drawn the attention of Fachmanner. This may be partly due to the fact that the writer (not to be confounded with H. Grassmann, author of Die liiifuk Ausdehnungskhre, 1844, and other works) is himself no profes- sional philosopher, but the busy editor (and also publisher) of no less than three newspapers of considerable circulation, one of them a daily. His manifold labours, all the same, have not prevented him from producing within a few years the various works mentioned incidentally in the present volume, riz., Die Formenkhre oder Mathtmatik, 1872 (1876 ?), transformed into Die Wissenskhre in a new edition to appear in the present year ; Das jrdtkben oder die Metaphysik, 1881 ; Das Tierkben oder die Physiologie der Tiere u. Menschen, 1883. Upon the present volume is announced to follow within the year, Die Verkehrslehre, and later on will come Die Staatslehre in two parts Die Rechtslehre and Die Seichskhre) ; all these last, from and including Die Menschenlehre, making up Die Sittenkhre, within the author's whole system of knowledge, to which he gives the general title of Die Gebaude dts Wissens. Begun thus with Menschenlehre, the Sittt-nkhre is given out as 5th volume of the system, which suggests that the earlier parts of the system are ordered or designated somewhat otherwise than appears in the titles of the three earlier books quoted above ; but, however this may be, the notion is got of a single-handed effort of construction suificiently ambitious in character. We must be content, for the present and till better-informed regarding its other parts, to have given a general notion of its range as far as this can be gathered from allusions in the present volume. As to the Menschenkhre it may be added that, after a long Intro-

duction, which fills more than half the book containing a demonstration

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