Sciilpture, Painting, Poetry. The paragraphs are given in the form to which they had been brought in the summer-session of 1856. [We are asked to correct a misprint that has unfortunately been left at p. 64, 1. 14 : for Hass read Hast.'] In an Appendix (pp. 74-113), Prof. Rehnisch has conveniently brought together at the end of this Part the complete collection he has made of biographical materials (some of them already published separately in earlier Parts of the series). The collection in- cludes, besides an admirable obituary memoir written at the time for the NationcU-Zeitung, Lotze's leaving-certificates from gymnasium and univer- sity, a very careful catalogue of all his literary publications (brought up to date), and a complete record of his academic courses, at Leipsic, Gottingen and Berlin, from 1839 to 1881. The second edition of the Grundzuge der practischen Philosophic deserves mention, because the Editor has substituted an earlier draft (from the year 1878) for the one (of 18SO) followed in the first edition. It is very in- structive to note what different expression Lotze gave to his ideas at different times, expanding or contracting at particular points or otherwise modifying hit; dictation from year to year : every time he lectured on a subject he must have set himself anew to do his best for it. Prof. Rehnisch merits the warmest thanks for the labour undergone in preparing such varying editions, as, we understand, he proposes to do more especially for those subjects which death prevented Lotze from treating finally in the projected Part iii. of his System der Philos&phie. Thus the Beligwnsphiloso- phie will also presently appear in a varied second edition. The call for new editions of the different Parts of the series proves the hold that Lotze had gained upon his contemporaries : the Psychologic, first published of the series, is already about to appear in a third edition. Ueber die Reize des Spiels. Von Dr. M. LAZARUS. Berlin : Diimmler, 1883. Pp. xvi., 177. This psychological monograph on the attractions of Play (Games), after a discussion of the general aspects of the subject, treats successively of (1) Games of chance and intellectual games, (2) Gymnastics, (3) Spectacles (mainly artistic) ; and ends with a chapter of ethical appreciation. In the preface the author argues, with characteristic delicacy and foree, for the possibility of psychological analysis without sacrifice of the fulness and richness of actual conscious experience. The monograph is worked out in the concrete or more popular style of which the author of Das Leben der Seele has already given so many effective specimens. Only one question How the image of gain, though much rarer, prevails over the image of loss, though much more frequent, and hurries the player on to make his stake seems to the author to involve such complex (though not doubt- ful) conditions that he leaves it over for special handling in. a scientific journal. Thomas ffobbes. Darstellung u. Kritik seiner philosophischen, staatsrecht- lichen u. kirchenpolitischen Lehren, vom Standpunkte der rnodernen Weltanschauung. Von Dr. VAL. MAYER. Freiburg i. B. : Stoll u. Bader, 1884. Pp. 290. The author of this monograph writes with a purpose to champion the social -democratic cause of the present and future against the ultramontane- theocratic cause of the past and present, the one being connected with the advancing philosophy of " Immanence," the other with the retreating (but still vigorous) philosophy of " Transcendence ". An exposition of Hobbes's
views on Logic and Metaphysics, on Man and on the State (pp. 1-90) i*