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the work of the journal is in u manner done, and there was need, ii' it was to go on, that it should begin to discharge its philosophical function on a much larger scale. But they end in the previous key, of somewhat re- gretful complaint, that the world has turned away from generalities and thinks now only of passing affairs. "Whether they are right in this view of theirs or not, acknowledgment is due to the energy and intelligence with which the journal has been conducted during its life-time. Not only did Littre illumine its pages with many a contribution of first-rate merit, but also M. TVyrouboff and other writers have ever been ready to measure their positivist doctrine (learned from Comte in his earlier phase) against the other philosophical thought of the day. Dr. Martineau has issued a second edition of his Study of Spinoza (Mac- uiillan). Taking careful account of every criticism which has reached him, he has introduced a few corrections into the Biography ; but he has not seen reason to modify any of the interpretations which repeated study and long reflection had led him to put upon the Philosophy. An Index of Subjects and Index of References have been added. The Oxford Translations of Lotze's Logik and Metaphysik will be issued by the Clarendon Pi-ess, probably, in February or March. Mr. Henry Sidgwick has been appointed Knightsbridge Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. THE JOURNAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY. Vol. XVII. No. 2. TV. H. Kimball Swedenborg and Henry James. Fichte Facts of Consoious- (trans.). J. G. Woerner On the nature of Property and its Devolu- tion. Goeschel On the Immortality of the Soul (trans.). Trentowski On the Sources and Faculties of Cognition. J. Ward Objects and their Interaction. D. J. Snider Homer's Iliad. Notes and Discussions. REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. VI lime Annee, No. 9. E. Chauvet La medecine grecque et ses rapports a la philosophic. Ch. Benard La divi- sion des arts dans 1'esthetique allemande. S. Tannery Heraclite et le concept de Logos. Analyses et Comptes-rendus. Notices bibliographiques, &.c. No. 10. J. Delboeuf La matiere brute et la matiere vivante, G. Tarde L'archeologie et la statistique (L). J. Andrade Les theoriciens moralistes et la nioralite. Notes et Discussions (F. Paulhan Images et mouvements). Analyses, &c. (TV. L. Collins, Butler; 3. Veitch, Hamilton ; TV. Wallace, Kant ; R. Adamsun, Fichte). &c. No. 11. D. Nolen Les logiciens allemands contemporains (i.). G. Lyon Le monisme en Angle-

TV. K. Clifford. G. Tarde L'archeoiogie et la statistique (fin).

Analyses, &c. (F. Galton, Inquiries into Human Faculty ; J. Braid, Neurypnologif, trans.). &c. No. 12. H. Marion James Mill d'apres les recherches de M. A. Bain. TV. Be van Lewis Les localisations cerebrales et la theorie de 1'evolution. J. Sully Le developpenient mental. Th. Ribot Les conditions organiques de la personnalite. Notes et Discussions. (Ch. Secretan et A. Fonillee La liberte et le deteruiinisme. P. Tannery Analyses, &c. (M. Guthrie, On Mr. Rev. des Period. LA CRITIQUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. Xllme Annee, Nos. 32-42. F. Pillou A propos de la notion de nombre (32, 33, 36, 39). Le vrai principe de la morale selon M. Fouillee (35). J. Thomas Les theories sur le progres (33). y>_<u. ucticitiii ci -n- j. uiiiiicc i-Ki iiuciic Les forces fonctions des temps). Ana Spencer's Unification of Knowledge, &c.).

spencer (42).

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