PAGE Rolph, W. H.Biologische Probleme (2te Aufl.) . . . 612 Rothenbiicher, A. Handbuch der Moral . ,, Romanes, G. J. Mental Evolution in Animals . . . 155 Rubinstein, S. Psychologisch-asthetische Essays . . . 614 Schneider, G. II. Freud und Leid des Sfenachengeschlechts . 160 Schopenhauer, A. The World as Will and Idea (trans. R. B. Hal Jane and J. Kemp), I. . . . 156 Scotus Novanticus Metaphysica nova et vetusta . . . 466 Seailles, G. Essai sur le Genie dans VArt .... 469 Sidgwick, H. Methods of Ethics (3rd ed.) . . . . 607 ,, A Supplement to 2nd Ed. of Methods of Ethics Siebeck, H. Geschichte der Psychologic, I., ii. 318 Spinoza Opera, II. (ed. J. Van Vloten et J. P. N. Land) . 313 Chief Works of (trans. R. H. M. Elwes) . . . Stadler, A. Kant's Theorie der Materie .... 319 Stockl, A. Geschichte der neueren Philosophic, $c. . . 158 Straszewski, M. Poicstanie i Rozwoj Pesymizmu w Indyach . 472 Stumpf, C. Tonpsychologie, I. . . . . . .161 Sully, J. Outlines of Psychology ..... 314 Taine, H. De V Intelligence (4me ed.) . . . . . 470 Tuke, D. H. Sleep-walking and Hypnotism .... 466 Tulloch, J. Modern Theories of Philosophy and Religion . 609 Ward, W. G. Essays on the Philosophy of Theism . . 464 Windelband, W. Prdludien . . . . . .162 Wundt, W.Logik, II 158 Zeller, E. A History of Eclecticism in Greek Philoso^lt.y (trans. S. F. Alleyne) 156 Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, IV.-VI. . 607 CORRESPONDENCE. T.K.ABBOTT. Elements of Logic ... .163 0. H. MITCHELL J. VENN. Studies in Logic . . . 321 G. J. ROMANES. Mental Evolution in Animals . . . 473 II. R. MARSHALL." What is an Emotion?" . . .615 W. H. S. MONCK. Visual Space-perceptions in the Dark . 617
MISCELLANEOUS . 166, 323, 473, 618