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PAGE nneaux, F. D. Etudes phttofopfuqueg .... 468 Reflexions et Pensees Dunan, C. Essai ma- le-s Formes a priori de la Sensibilitc . 610 Ereole, P. d' // Teismo filosqfieo cristiano, fyc., I. . . 319 Fi&cher, E. L. Ueber das Princip der Organisation, $c. . 161 ,, Dtr sojenannte Lebensmagnetisrnus, c. . Fouillee, A. Critique de-s Systimes de Morale conternporains . 157 La Liberte et le Determinis/iie (2me ed.) . . 469 Frohschainmer, J. Die Philosophic aJs Ideal icissenschaft, $c. 317 Gizycki, P. v. Einleitende Bemerkungen, $c. Grassmann, R. Die Menschenlehre . . . . .611 Gutlirie, M. On Mr. Spencer's Data of Ethics . . .162 Guyau, M. Lt* Prollhnes de VEsthetique contemporaine . 468 Harper, T. The Metaphysics of the School, III, i. . . 4G4 Harpf, A. Die Ethik des Protagoras . . . . .613 Hartmann, E. v. Philosophy of the Unconscious (trans. W. C. Coupland) 466 Hazard, R. G. Man a Creative First Cause . . . .157 Janet, P. The Tfieory of Morals (trans. M. Chapman) . 467 Kant, I. Critique of Practical Reason, $<-.. (trans. T. K. Ab- bott, 3rd ed.) . . .... 156 Kirchner, F. Katechifmus dtr Psychologic .... 318 Kroman, K. Unsere Naturerkenntniss (uebers. R v. Fischer- Benzon) 160 Lacy, W. ^l.The Philosophy of the Unknowable, $c. . . 317 Lazarus, M. Utltr '//.- Rei~e >.les Spiels .... 471 Loewy, T. Common Se?teibles, ^'c. ..... 317 Lotze, H. Logic, $c., also Metaphysic, $c. (trans. B. Bosan- qnet, &c.) .... ... 465 Grundzuge der JEsthetik ..... 470 Grandzuge der practischen Philosophic (2te Aufl.) . Mayer, .-Thomas Hobbes 471 Merz, J. T. Leibniz 316 Miller, "W. G. L-.-:t>.n:< on the Philosophy of Law, $c. . 316 Morell, J. V. Introduction to Mental Philosophy (2nd Ed.) . 609 Plumacher, O. Der Pessrinism>is in Vergangenheit, $c. . . 613 Preyer, W.jfament* de Physiologic generate (trad. J. Soury) 470 Radestock, P.Gtm'e a. Wahnsimi 614 Ray, P. K. A Test-book of Deductive Logic .... 467

Rogers, J. W. F. Grammar and Logic in the 19th Century, $c. 155

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