most advantageously, either with a view to investigating their properties or with a view of communicating the knowledge of their properties to others. I do not believe that general rules laid down for this purpose by a logician who is not a specialist will prove of any use ; while, if the logician is 'a specialist, his rules will probably be found useful only in the particular subjects to which he has devoted his attention, and even there may require considerable amendment, as the science advances. I have no faith in rules for classification laid down by a logical Jack-of-all-trades and master of none. This would not, indeed, be a true description of Mill, who was undoubtedly a master in certain departments, but I fear his example has given too much encouragement to a kind of (so-called) Logic which refuses to rest solely on the laws of Mind, and yet does not require a complete knowledge of the laws of Matter. A Logic on the basis of Mill's system, written by a man who had thoroughly mastered all the latest develop- ments of Mathematics, Physics and Psychology, would be a most valuable work, though no doubt destined to be superseded hereafter when these sciences were more advanced. But who is to write it ? And as the sciences are advancing with rapid strides in all directions, M'hat prospect is there that we shall ever possess a logician who is thoroughly acquainted with them all 1 Mill's criticisms on the wave-theory of light are sufficient to show that there was at least one trade in which his position was that of a mere Jack, though a very logical Jack. WHS MONCK THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY FOR THE SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF PHILOSOPHY (22 Albemarle Street, W.). At the business meeting, June 6, the Report of the Committee and Program for the following Session were adopted. The Officers of the Society were re-elected. The first meeting of the next (the ninth) Session is fixed for Monday, Nov. 7, at 8 P.M., when Mr. Shad- worth H. Hodgson will deliver the Presidential Address, subject : " The Unseen World". Two evenings in the course of the Session will be devoted to the reading and discussion of short papers by various contri- butors on some subject fixed beforehand, the papers having been previously circulated among the contributors, so as to give the discussion the form of a "symposium' 1 . The Abstract of Proceedings for the Eighth Session, including the Report, List of Members, &c., and edited by Professor Wynd- ham R. Dunstan, V.P., has now appeared. Non-members may obtain copies, as well as Program-cards for the Session, by application to Mr H. W. Carr, Hon. Sec. [The Society is to be congratulated on its first official publication. It runs to 43 pp. The abstracts of papers read, furnished apparently by the writers, differ considerably in length, and in some cases give a very adequate notion of the arguments. Their subjects somewhat too varied in character to be easily remarked upon here have all been recorded in previous Nos. of MIND.] THE JOURNAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY. Vol. xx., No. ?. The Divine Pymander of Trisine^istus (ii.). W. James The Perception of Time. Hegel Philosophy of Religion (trans. Introduction completed). J. M. Long Classification of the Mathematical Sciences. The Concord Summer School of Philosophy in 1887 : Course of Study in Aristotle, and Bibliography. REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. An. xii., No. 7. C. Seignobos Les conditions psychologiques de la connaissance en histoire (i.). E. Durkheim La science positive de la morale en Allemagne : i. Les eronom isles, les s gistes et les juristes. .1. M. (Juardia Les sentiments in times d'AugUSte Comte, d'apres son testament. P. Tannery Le monisme de Melissos.