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Zur Psychophysik des Lichtsinns. Von HJALMAR NEIGLICK. (" Separat- Abdruck aus clem, Anfang Ma'rz erscheinenden, Bd. IV., Heft I, der Philosophische Studien, herausgegeben von WILHELM WUNDT.") Leip- zig : W. Engelmann, 1887. Pp. 84. These psychophysical researches, on the sense for degree of intensity of light, made by the " method of contrasts" so largely employed by Del- boeuf, have yielded the following results : " (1) In some cases a geo- metrical series of physical stimuli corresponds, as the law of Weber requires, to the arithmetical series of differences of sensation : this geo- metrical series of stimuli then calls forth a series of reciprocal contrasts of equal intensity ; (2) in other cases, and indeed the most, the law of Weber does not apply : but in those cases contrasts of equal intensity correspond to no geometrical series of stimuli" (p. 73). The concluding pages are occupied with an attempt to fit these results " into the frame of familiar psychological facts ". RECEIVED also : A. H. Sayce, Religion of the Ancient Babylonians (Hibbert Lectures). Lond., Williams & Norgate, pp. 558. S. Bryant, Educational Ends, or the Idea of Personal Development, Lond., Longmans, pp. 292. L. Johnstone, A Short Introduction to the Study of Logic, Lond., Longmans, pp. 250. A. Stockl, Handbook of the History of Philosophy, i. Pre- Scholastic Philo- sophy (trans. T. A. Finlay), Dublin, M. H. Gill, pp. 285. S. Drey, Herbert Spencer's Theory of Religion and Morality, Lond., Williams & Norgate, pp. 17. E. Pluzanski, Essai sur la Philosophic de Duns Scot, Paris, E. Thorin, pp. 296. J. Simon, Victor Cousin, Paris, Hachette, pp. 184. 0. De Sanderval, De I'Absolu, Paris, F. Alcan, pp. 211. J. Delboeuf, De VOrigine des Effets curatifs de I'Hypnotisme, Paris, F. Alcan, pp. 42. A. de Bella, Prolegomini di Filosofia elementare, 3a ed., Torino, L. Roux, pp. 176. R. Sommer, Locke's Verhdltniss zu Descartes, Berlin, Mayer u. Miiller, pp. 63. J. Raffel, Die Voraussetzungen welche den Empirismus Locke's, Berkeley's u. Hume's zu Idealismus fuhrten, Berlin, Mayer u. Miiller, pp. 46. J. Gavanescul, Die padagogischen Ansichten Locke's in ihrem Zusanmenhang mit seinem philosophischen System, Berlin, G. Schade, pp. 84. M. Lazarus, Treu u. Frei: Gesammelte Reden u. Vortrdge uber Juden u. Judenthum, Leipzig, C. F. Winter, pp. 355. H. Romundt, Die drei Fragen Kant's, Berlin, Nicolai, pp. 64. E. v. Schmidt, Begriff u. Sitz der Seele, Heidelberg, G. Weiss, pp. 76. F. Wollny, Grundriss der Psychologic, Leipzig, T. Thomas, pp. 121. NOTICE will follow.

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