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regarded as an expression in terms of chemistry and molecular physics of what has already been expressed physiologically in Prof. Herzen's "physical law of consciousness". With the whole exposition of the relations of stable and unstable matter, Prof. Herzen's recent statement of his psycho-physical law (in his Conditions physiques de la Conscience) ought to be compared. The two expositions illustrate the convergence of different lines of thought to the same result. They also show the illusory character of the attempt to make unconsciousness superior to consciousness. The formation of a mental " habit," the " fixation " of a portion of force, or the " stabilisation " of a portion of matter, may of course indicate a psychological advance ; but (as Prof. Herzen shows in opposition to Dr. Maudsley) this advance does not consist in the transformation itself of intelligence into habit or instinct, but in the making possible, by the new habit, of a new kind of free consciousness superior to that which was possible before. The more speculative parts of Prof. Delboeuf's essay are, as has been already said, put forth by him simply as speculations. He does not bring them into definite comparison, on philosophical grounds, with the type of speculation to which he opposes them,, but is content to claim for them equal possibility. Such compari- son would not be unprofitable. Much might be said of the rela- tion of his general point of view to idealism, and of the relation of his physical to his psychological speculations. The philoso- phical value of the essay is, however, less in any completed metaphysical doctrine than in its varied suggestions. In view o this, it will perhaps be best to refrain from further criticism, and not attempt to fix in a rigid form what is for the author an at- tempt to break through the limits of one dogmatism rather than to construct another. THQMAS WmTTAKER _ Psyclwlogie in Umrissen auf Grundlage der Erfalirung. Yon Dr.. HAEALD H^FFDING, Professor an der Universitat in Kopen- hagen. Unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers nach der zweiten danischen Auflage iibersetzt von F. BENDIXEN, Gymnasial- lehrer. Leipzig, Fues's Verlag (E. Eeisland). Pp. vi., 463. The translation into German by an able hand of the Second Edition of Dr. Hoffding's work on Psychology places an im- portant contribution to the science within reach of the general student. As might have been expected, the Danish treatise follows pretty closely the traditional lines of German psycho- logical investigation. At the same time it has the independence of an outside standpoint. One may say, indeed, that the author's, manner of dealing with his subject has been determined quite as much by British as by German models. And to say that the total influence of recent European discussion is large and per- vading does not detract from the merit of the work. For it is one of the most promising characteristics of the present state of psychological science that enough has been fixed in the shape

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