ethical scale, so constituted that if any of its " propensions," 1 " passions," " affections " and " sentiments " thus classified ever conies into conflict with one higher in the scale, right volition consists in choosing the "higher" in preference to the "lower". The view of common sense appears tome rather that, in all or most cases, a natural impulse has its proper sphere, within which it should be normally operative, and that the question whether a higher motive should yield to a lower is one that cannot be answered decisively in the general way in which Dr. Martineau answers it : the answer must depend on the particular conditions and circumstances of the conflict. For a higher motive may intrude unseason- ably into the proper sphere of the lower, just as the lower is liable to encroach on the higher ; only since there is very much less danger of the former intrusion, it naturally falls into the background in ethical discussions and exhortations that have a practical aim. The matter is complicated by this further consideration : we recognise that as the character of a moral agent becomes better, the motives that we rank as " higher " tend to be developed, so that their normal sphere of operation continually enlarges at the expense of the lower. Hence there are two distinct aims in moral regulation and culture, so far as they relate to motives : (1) to keep the "lower" motive within the limits within which its operation is considered to be legitimate and good on the whole, so long as we cannot substitute for it the equally effective operation of a higher motive ; and at the same time (2) to effect this substitution of " higher " for "lower" gradually, so far as can be done without danger, up to a limit which we cannot definitely fix, but which we 1 For the reader's convenience, I give the table of the springs of action in which Dr. Martineau has collected the results of his survey : LOWEST. 1. Secondary Passions Censoriousness, Vindictiveness, Suspiciousness. 2. Secondary Organic Propensions Love of Ease and Sensual Pleasure. 3. Primary Organic Propensions Appetites. 4. Primary Animal Propension Spontaneous Activity (unselective). 5. Love of Gain (reflective derivation from Appetite). 6. Secondary Affections (sentimental indulgence of sympathetic feelings). 7. Primary Passions Antipathy, Fear, Resentment. 8. Causal Energy Love of Power, or Ambition ; Love of Liberty. 9. {secondary Sentiments Love of Culture. 10. Primary Sentiments of Wonder and Admiration. 11. Primary Affections, Parental and Social with (approximately) Gene- rosity and Gratitude. 12. Primary Affection of Compassion. 13. Primary Sentiment of Reverence. HIGHEST.