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NOTES. 487

published quarterly, and with as much regularity as the supply of material warrants. Each number will contain from 60 to 100 pages. There is also announced, to appear at Berlin (G. Reimer), from next October, a quarterly Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie. It will be edited by Dr. L. Stein, of Zurich, in association with Profs. H. Diels, W. Dilthey and E. Zeller of Berlin, and B. Erdmann of Breslau ; and is meant to bring to a focus the multitude of contributions to the history of philosophy now scattered through a variety of journals philosophical and other. The first half of the new journal (extending to about 10 sheets) will consist of new communications, confined to statements of fact in briefest possible form, and written in either Latin, Italian, French or English, as alterna- tive to German. In the second half, yearly critical reports will be given of all new publications of any kind bearing on the history of philosophy, the Editors taking each a fixed period for German productions, while Italian, French and English are left respectively to native scholars. In English, Mr. Ingram By water of Oxford undertakes to report on ancient, and Prof. Schurman of Cornell University, N.Y., on mediaeval and modern philosophy. Co-operation has been promised by a large number of scholars in different countries. THE JOURNAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY. Vol. xx., No. 3. The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus (Reprinted from Everard's Translation, 1650). W. L. Sheldon Agnostic Realism. K. Fischer On Kant (trans.). Hegel Philosophy of Religion (trans.). Goeschel On Immortality (trans.). Notes and Discussions. REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. An. xii., No. 4. A. Penjon Une forme nouvelle du criticisme. G. Fonsegrive Les consequences sociales du libre arbitre. F. Picavet Le phenomenisme et le probabilisme dans 1'ecole platonicienne (i.). Rev. Gen. (L. Marillier La suggestion mentale et les actions mentales a distance). Analyses et Comptes-rendus (Travers Smith, Man's Knowledge of Man and of God; J. Morley, On Compromise, &c.). Rev. des Period. Soc. de Psychologic physiologique (E. Gley et L. Marillier Experiences sur le sens musculaire). Correspondance (Beaunis Sur la sporitaneite . dans le somnambulisme. E. Blum La pedagogic et 1'hyp- notisme). No. 5. Pierre Janet L'anesthesie systematise^ et la dissocia- tion des phenomenes psychologiques. A. Binet L'intensite des images mentales. F. Picavet Le phenomenisme, &c. (fin). Varietes L'enseig- nament du droit naturel au College de France. Analyses, &c. Rev. des Period. Correspondance (J. Delboeuf Reponse a M. Beaunis). Soc. de Psych, phys. (J. Hericourt Sur un caractere differentiel des ecritures). No. 6. Darlu La liberte et le determinisrne selon M. Fouillee. B. Perez L'ame de 1'embryon et I'&me de 1'enfant. F. Paulhan L'amour du nial. Rev. Gen. (M. Verries Histoire et philosophic religieuses). Analyses, &c. (F. E. Abbott, Scientific Theism ; W. P. Begg, The Development of Taste, &c.). Soc. de Psych, phys. (A. de Candolle Lettres sur un projet de questionnaire d'heredite psychologique. Ch. Richet Experience sur le cerveau des oiseaux). LA CRITIQUE PHILOSOPHIQUE (Nouv. Ser.). An. iiL, No. 3. ... C. Renouvier L'evolutionisme chretien (fin). L. Dauriac De 1'education naturelle selon H. Spencer. C. Renouvier Sur 1'activite de la matiere. V. Egger Une lettre de Bonald a Degerando ; une lettre d' Ampere au meme . . . Notices bibliog. No. 4. C. Renouvier Les Dialogues de David Hume sur la religion naturelle (i.). J. Chancel Des crimes impossibles envisages au point de vue de la contingence et du determinisme. R. Allier La pedagogic sociale. L. Menard Leconte de Lisle. No. 5. C. Renouvier Les Dialogues, &c. (ii.)- F. Pillon Quelques mots sur 1'agnosticisme.

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