1st K Haeckel Materialist ? Von Dr. R. KOEBER. Berlin : C. Duncker (C. Heymons), 1887. Pp. 36. The purpose of this pamphlet is to show, against a polemic of Dr. 0. Zacharias, that Haeckel's view of nature is in reality not materialism, but a " vitalistic " monism ; the materialistic utterances in his writings being inconsistent with what can be clearly made out to be his central meta- physical idea, which is in harmony with the " Nature-philosophy " of Schelling and the teleology of Von Hartmaim. EECEIVED also : A Dictionary of Philosophy in the Words of Philosophers, edited with Intro- duction by J. R. Thomson, Lond., R. D. Dickinson, pp. xlviii., 479. L. Carroll, The Game of Logic, Lond., Macmillan, pp. 96. W. Renton, The Analytic Theory of Logic, Edinburgh, J. Thin, pp. 16. W. B. M'Taggart, Absolute Relativism, Lond., W. Stewart, pp. viii., 133. R. Bithell, Agnostic Problems, Lond., Williams & Norgate, pp. viii., 152. W. D. Lightall, Sketch of a New Utilitarianism, Montreal, pp. 40. C. Richet, Essai de Psychologie gtfne'rale, Paris, F. Alcan, pp. xiv., 193. E. de Roberty, L'ancienne et la nouvelle Philosophic, F. Alcan, pp. vi., 364. G. L. Fonsegrive, Essai sur le libre Arbitre, F. Alcan, pp. 592. E. Ferriere, La Matiere et VEnergie, F. Alcan, pp. 580. J. Delboeuf, La Matiere brute et la Matiere vivante, F. Alcan, pp. 184. A. Martin, L } Education du Caractere, Paris, Hachette, pp. 377. J. B. Meyer, Probleme zur Lebensweisheit, 2te Aufl,, Berlin, Allg. Verein f. deutsche Literatur, pp. vi., 369. S. Strieker, Ueber die ivahren Ursachen, Wien, A. Holder, pp. 60. R. v. Schubert-Soldern, Reproduction, Gefuht u. Wille, Leipzig, Fues (R. Reisland), pp. xv., 135. F. J. Mach, Die Willensfreiheit des Menschen, Paderborn u. Miinster, F. Schoningh, pp. ix., 274. W. Schmidt, Die gottliche Vorsehung u. das Selbstleben der Welt, Berlin, Weigandt u. Grieben, pp. 230. P. Lanzky, Abendrote, Psychologische Betrachtungen, Berlin, C. Duncker (C. Heymons), pp. 134. A. Wernicke, Die Grundlage der Euklidischen Geometrie des Maasses, Braunschweig, J. H. Meyer, pp. 58. H. Neiglick, Zur Psychophysik des Lichtsinnes, Leipzig, W. Engelmann, pp. 84. J. Bergmann, Ueber das Schone, Berlin, E. S. Mittler, pp. 201. NOTICE will follow.