than twenty pages such as his, and giving a view of the whole middle period in something like keeping with other parts of the work. There is also added, at the close, a considerable account (pp. 342-72) first of Schopen- hauer and then of v. Hartmaun. The editor writes as if in close sympathy with the latter thinker, and finds accordingly none but these two to be added to Schwegler's tale, which broke off with Hegel. It seems regrettable that the additions throughout, while worthy of all commendation, have not been in some typographical way marked off from Schwegler's text. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophic. Ein Leitfadcn zum Studium der Geschichte der Philosophic u. zur Rekapitulation. Von Prof. Dr. L. RABUS. Erlangen : A. Deichert, 1887. Pp. xvi., 224. The merits of this compendious sketch of the history of philosophy, which are not small, follow from the circumstances of its origin. After having had his interest in the subject excited from early youth, the author has for twenty years back been regularly in the way of lecturing upon it, first at the Lyceum of Speier, and then at the University of 'Erlangen. The present work consists of the paragraphs which he makes the basis of his oral exposition, and they are now published as first part of an intro- ductory text-book to philosophy, to be followed by another volume on logic and philosophical encyclopaedia. The paragraphs have gradually assumed their present form in the light of experience and reflection, and are supplemented by careful bibliographical references. As the work has been in no way hurried, it is of genuine quality by no means such as often is offered to students for purposes of " recapitulation ". About one- half of the volume is given to the German movement from Kant onwards. References to English philosophy, early or late, though not extensive, are good as far as they go. Vorfragen der Ethik. Von Dr. CHRISTOPH SIGWART. Herrn Dr. Eduard Zeller, Professor an der Universitat imcl geheimem Regierungsrathe in Berlin als Festschrift zur Feier seines fiinfzigjarigen Doctor] ubilaums am 25 August 1886 uberreicht von der philosophischen Facultat der Universitat Tubingen. Freiburg i. B. : J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1886. Pp. 48. These "general considerations on the problem that a scientific ethics can and must set itself "are well adapted to their purpose of promoting clearness of thought on ethical questions. Prof. Sigwart aims at reinstating the idea of "end" or "highest good" in the supreme position from which it was deposed by Kant. The idea of " universal law," he makes dependent on a highest good that is willed by men in common as members of a society. In the brief space of his essay he has something to say 011 all the chief points of ethical definition. Philosophische Aufsatze, II. Zur Wiirdigung Comte's und des Positivismus. Von RUDOLPH EUCKEN (Jena). Pp. 55-82. This essay on Positivism follows the author's essay on Neo-Scholasticism, noticed in MIND xi. 445. His estimate of Comte, as far as it goes, is in essential agreement with Prof. Caird's (see MIND x. 462), and from a some- what similar point of view. Wer schrieb das " Novum Organon " von Francis Bacon ? Eine kritische Studie von EUGEN REICHEL. Stuttgart : A. Bonz, 1886. Pp. 32. An article included by the author in a volume of studies entitled