resolved in the last resort by an immediate appeal to conscience. Finally, morality, besides being considered as it is active in man and as it expresses itself outwardly so as to be brought within a scheme of classification of virtues or duties, must be considered in detail in its relation to nature and to social life ; every department of life being viewed in relation to its appropriate duties and virtues, and regarded as destined to be a "dwelling- place of love," the supreme expression of Christianity. Psychologie in Umrissen auf Grundlage der Erfahrung. Von Dr. HARALD HOFFDING, Professor an der Universitat in Kopenhagen. Unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers nach der zweiten danischen Auflage iibersetzt von F. BENDIXEN, Gymnasia! lehrer. Leipzig : Fues (R. Reisland), 1887. Pp. vi., 463. This work of a Danish psychologist appeared first some three or four years ago, and, being now somewhat extended in a second edition, by continued study on the author's part and by some experience of its academic use, is also laid before a wider public in a German translation. While following the now generally accepted lines for treatment of the subject, it has characteristics which give it a special interest for English readers. Critical Notice will follow. Der PJiilosophische Kriticismus u. seine Bedeutung fiir die positive Wissen- schaft. Von Prof. A. RIEHL. Zweiter Band, zweiter Theil (Schluss), " Zur Wissenschaftstheorie u. Metaphysik ". Leipzig : Engelmann, 1887. Pp. xi., 358. Here is completed a very important philosophical work which hitherto has failed of notice in MIND. The first volume, on " History and Method of Philosophical Criticism," appeared as far back as 1876 ; followed by the first part of the second volume, on " The Sensuous and Logical Founda- tion of Knowledge," in 1879. Some time afterwards the importance of the work came to be known, but in view of the swiftly promised conclu- sions of the second volume and of the whole book notice was deferred. Only now, after an interval of eight years, has the author been able to surmount various hindrances and round off his theory to his own satisfac- tion. The general conception of Philosophy with which, in the present crowning section of his work, he passes to the consideration of the problems first of general Theory of Science and then of Metaphysic, got earlier expression in a lecture, " On Scientific and Non-scientific Philosophy," when he assumed some years ago his present academic post in Freiburg. As detailed review will now, it is hoped, shortly follow, let it suffice for the present to have merely chronicled these few facts. The work has immediate relation to the questions of general import that are at present uppermost in men's minds. While informed with wide historical consider- ation, it is essentially of the time, timely. Geschichte der Philosophie im Umriss. Ein Leitfaden zur Uebersicht voii Dr. ALBERT SCHWEGLER. Vierzehnte Auflage, durchgesehen u. erganzt von Dr. R. KOEBER. Stuttgart : C. Coiiradi, 1887. Pp. 372. It should interest those who have known Schwegler's effective sketch of the History of Philosophy, either in the original or in Dr. Hutchison Stirling's not less effective translation (with supplement), to note how the book has gone on being used in the land of its birth till now, in its 40th year, it has reached its 14th edition. This latest reprint, besides having inwrought with it short bibliographical additions, contains a large develop- ment of the three-page section on " Christianity and Scholasticism " where Schwegler came most notably short ; the section now extending to more