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expressed grew up, the author seeks to show, oil Kantian ground, and is an expression of what is affirmed in Kant's " analogies of experience " " substance, causality and reciprocity ". " The law of the conservation of energy signifies conservation in reciprocal action." In Sachen des Spiritismus und einer naturwissenschaftlichen Psychologie. Von A. BASTIAN. Berlin : Nicolaische Verlags-Buchhandlung (R. Strieker), 1886. Pp. xx., 216. The present work is closely connected in subject with the author's immediately preceding book, noticed in MIND xi. 446. The first part of it is occupied with primitive and later animism, doctrines of transmigra- tion, " coiivulsionary " religious sects, "occult philosophy," &c., in their relations to modern Theosophy and Spiritualism. From p. 137 onwards the author expounds again with all his accustomed learning and variety of citation his doctrine of Folk-psychology as natural science. Das Korperliche Gefuhl Em Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Geistes. Von Dr. EUGEN KRONER. Breslau : E. Trewendt, 1887. Pp. viii., 210. The purpose of this book is to show that, " both phylogenetically and ontogenetically," " emotional tone," i.e., feeling regarded as pleasurable or painful, is not something secondary, but is the primitive basis out of which all other parts of the mental life are successively developed. "Feeling," in this sense, is best called "corporal feeling," because it always expresses directly the promotion or checking of bodily function. By way of distinction, the " true feelings " of the Herbartian school may be called specifically "mental". "Feeling in the special sense," or "emotion," depends on "representations," which, according to the true " genetic " order, occupy an intermediate and not a fundamental position such as the author finds to be accorded to them, expressly or tacitly, by all former psychologies. He regards it as another defect of all former psychologies at least of all those he discusses that, while employing the " descriptive " and the " analytical," they neglect the " genetic " method. The new method and doctrine are to be applied to all psychological problems in the manner suggested by Haeckel's dictum, that the history of the individual is an epitome of the history of the race. The true statement of the psychological problem of perception, for example, is found to be : " How, out of pure feeling (Gefiihl), that is to say, the consciousness of well- or ill-being, does there develop itself first an untoned feeling (Empfindung), and, further, a relation of the same to external objects 1 " The volume is divided into an introductory historical section (pp. 1-27) and two others, of which the first deals with "general bodily feeling" ("Das Gemeingefiihl," pp. 28-138), the second with the feeling that accompanies the functioning of the organs of special sense (" Das sirmliche Gefiihl," pp. 139-206). Phylogenetically as well as ontogene- tically, the second kind of feeling by which we are to understand, as before, emotional tone, not specific sensations as such is developed im- mediately out of the first, and the boundary between them cannot be exactly drawn. In a future volume the author proposes to deal more particularly with " the biological significance of corporal feeling ". Die deutsche Aestlietik seit Kant. Von EDUARD VON HARTMANN. Erster historisch-kritischer Theil der Aesthetik. 5 Lieferungen. Berlin : C. Duncker (C. Heymons), 1886. Pp. xii., 584. This new work by Von Hartmann appears from the first in the cheap edition of " Selected Works," of which it forms parts 8-12. As is

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