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NOTES. 159

THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY FOR THE SYSTEMATIC STDDY OF PHILOSOPHY. The eighth session commenced with the addition of ten new members to the ranks of the Society. Mr H. W. Carr, a Vice-President, was elected to fill the office of Hon. Secretary, vacated by Mr. Rhodes in consequence of illness ; and Mr S. Alexander, of Lincoln College, Oxford, was elected a new Vice- President. At the first meeting, Monday, Nov. 8, the usual address was delivered by the President, the subject this year being "The Reorganisation of Philosophy". At the following meeting, on Monday, Nov. 22, Mr. D. G. Ritchie read a paper on "T. H. Green's Political Philo- sophy," which was followed by a discussion. THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The present session was opened on Tues- day, 26th Oct. The subject for the ensuing year is Lotze's System of Philosophy. Information is obtainable from the Secretary, J. M. Rigg, Esq., 9 New Square, Lincoln's Inn. Dr J. M. Cat tell has been appointed Assistant- Professor in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), and will devote himself to the instruc- tion of advanced students in psychophysical work. THE JOURNAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY. Vol. xx. No. 2. S. S. Heberd The Nature of Thought. K. Fischer A Critique of Kantian Philosophy (trans.). E. M. Mitchell The Philosophy of Pessimism. J. Jastrow On the Symbolic System of Lambert. Hegel On Giordano Bruno (trans.). Notes and Discussion, &c. REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. An. xi., No. 10. G. Se"ailles L'origine et les destinees de 1'art. G. Sorel Sur les applications de la psychophysique. L. Carrau La philosophic religieuse de Berkeley. G. Tarde Avenir de la moralite. Rev. Gen. (A. Penjon Travaux recents sur la psychologie d'Aristote). Analyses et Comptes-rendus. Rev. des Period. No. 11 P. Souriau La conscience de soi. F. Paulhan Le devoir et la science morale (i.). C. Dunan Le concept de cause. H. Bergson De la simula- tion inconsciente dans 1'etat d'hypnotisme. Notes, &c, (A. Binet, et J. Delboeuf Les diverses ecoles hypnotiques). Analyses, &c. Rev. des Period. Societe" de Psychologie physiologique (F. Paulhan Note sur la combinaison des images consecutives). No. 12. Pierre Janet Les actes inconscients et le dedoublement de la personnalite pendant le somnarn- bulisme provoque'. G. Le Bon Application de la psychologie a la classi- fication des races. L. Arreat Sexualitd et altruisme. F. Paulhan Le devoir, &c. (fin.). Analyses, &c. Rev. des Period. Soc. de Psych, phys. (A. Ruault Le mecanisme de la suggestion mentale. J. Babinski Trans- fert d'un sujet a un autre sous I'influence de 1'aimant). LA CRITIQUE PHILOSOPHIQUE (Nouv. Ser.). An. ii., No. 9. F. Pillon J. Milsand. L. Dauriac Parole et musique. C. Renouvier Des problemes de 1'esthetique contemporaine : La theorie du vers francais. L. Dauriac Un livre nouveau sur Pascal. Notices bibliog., &c. No. 10. C. Renouvier Examen des Premiers Principes de H. Spencer (suite). F. Pillon La psychologie animale d'apres un disciple de Darwin L. Dauriac M. F. Brunetiere estheticien et critique. F. Pillon Un ouvrage recent sur 1'alchimie. L. Dauriac Homere e'ducateur. No. 11. C. Renouvier Examen des Premiers Principes, &c. (fin). L. Dauriac L'ame du nouveau-ne. E. Blum Hypnotisme et pedagogic . . . F. Pillon Paul Bert. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI FILOSOFIA. Vol. ii., Disp. 2. P. L. Cecchi II Cristianesimo primitive secondo B. Labanca. N. Fornelli Esposizione

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