be through the exterior. We must pass over the boundaries of a country, if we desire to learn to know its climate, to know the country and its people. 96. If proposals were expected for the immediate practical removal of present evils, then these suggestions may not suffice. We have adhered to the theme, and noted only the directions in which we may venture to hope. We certainly think also, that experience teaches clearly enough that the progress of knowledge, hence also the perfection of its instru- ments, must proceed from the needs and efforts of life, from the growth of present cultures, from the influence of im- portant examples. So that in this sphere, too, the old saying holds good : " Multi pertransibunt et augebitur scientia." AUTHOBITIES QUOTED. The figures denote the number of the paragraph. 44. Bastian in the Zeitschrift fur Volkerpsychologie, v., 174 (Berlin, 1868). 46. Tylor, Primitive Culture, ch. viii. 53. Pascal, Pensees i., 2, 3. 53. Note i., Sigwart, Logik i., 2, p. 376. 55. v. Philippovich, Grundriss d",r politisehen Oekonomie, i., p. 178. 55. Nasse in Schbnberg's Handbuch der politisehen Oekonomie, i., 319. 55. A. Wagner, the same, i., 431. 61. Locke, Conduct of the Understanding, Works in foL, vol. iii., p. 98 (London, 1751). 61. Eucken, I. o., p. 162. 71. Paulsen, Geschichte des gelehrten Unterrichts, ii., 2, p. 664. 71. Locke, Essay on Human Understanding, iii., 10, 34 (Works, i., 237). 71. Eucken, 1. o., p. 162. 71. Paulsen, I. c., ii., 666. 72. Kant, W. W., iv., 466 (Hartenstein). 73. Ostwald, Die Ueberwindung des wissenschaftlichen Materialismus, p. 25 (Leipzig, 1895). 75. Bichat, Sur la vie et la mort, i., art. 3. 75. Claude Bernard, Leyons sur les phenomenes de la vie, p. 41 (Paris 1878). 77. Carus (Paul), Primer of Philosophy, p. 190 (Chicago, 1893). 79. James, Principles of Psychology, i., 6 (London, 1891). 81. James, ibid., ii., 486 and 562. 81. Wundt, Physiologische Psychologic, ii., 4, 560, 567. 81. Wundt, Grundriss der Psychologic, p. 215 (Leipzig, 1896). 81. Wundt, System der Philosophie, 2nd ed., p. 379 (Leipzig, 1897). 81. Huxley, Science and Culture, p. 237 ff. (London, 1888). 82. Chr. Wolff, Philosophia prima sive Ontologiaprolegg., 7 (ao., 1745).
82. Hegel, Logik, Werke iii., p. 3.