INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. A movement has been set on foot for founding an institution to be called the International Psychological Institute. The list of patrons includes a number of well-known names, and the programme drawn up by Dr. Pierre Janet gives the following account of the objects aimed at : "The Society will collect endowments, donations, annual subscrip- tions, etc., on the sole condition of employing them for the development of psychological science. The resources thus collected by the Society will be used by the Committee of Management to establish an Inter- national Institute of Psychical Science a Psychical Institute destine.! to become a centre to which all inquirers and researchers, irrespective of nationality, may turn for help and advice. " According to circumstances, and to the development attained by the Society establishing it, this Institute will pursue the following aims : " 1. To collect in a library and museum all books, works, publications, apparatus, etc., relating to psychical science. " 2. To place at the disposal of researchers, either as gifts or as 1 according to circumstances, such books and instruments necessary for their studies as the Institute may be able to acquire. " ii. To supply assistance to any laboratory or to any investigators, working singly or unitedly, who can show that they require that IIKM-I- ance for a publication or for a research of recognised interest. This function, which has been fulfilled so usefully by the Society pour 1'Avanceiuent des Sciences, in relation to the physical sciences, must also be discharged by the new Institute in relation to mental science. " 4. To encourage study and research with regard to such phenomena as may be considered of sufficient importance. " 5. To organise lectures and courses of instruction npon the different branches of psychical science. " 6. To organise as far as means will allow, permanent laboratories and a clinic, where such researches as may be considered desirable will be pursued by certain of the members. " 7. To publish the Annales de flnttitut psychiqur international de Paris, which will comprise a summary of the work in which member* of the Institute have taken part, and which may be of a charaet contribute to the progress of the science. " This sketch of the aims of the organisation is but an outline, .iml will be subject to modification by the Society of the Psychical Institute,
the institution of which must be our first undertaking."