NEW SERIES. No. 36.] [OCTOBER, 1900.
MIND A QUARTERLY REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. I. PRAGMATISM. 1 BY W. CALDWELL. THERE has recently appeared as one of the publications of the University of California (a society whose activity has 1 Read (in part) before the American Psychological Association at their last annual meeting, at Yale University, 28th-30th I>ecember, 1899. Several of the papers of this Association, of the last two or three years, have reflected an interest in the question of the relation of non-rational (emotional and volitional) to rational (intellectual, conceptual) factors in the formation of opinion and belief, and of the relation of theory to practical procedure in both logic and nietaphysic an interest to be asso- ciated, of course, with (among other things) the reception accorded (in philosophical as well as in general literature) to recent writings of Mr. G. H. Romanes (Thoughts on Religion}, Mr. Huxley (the Romanes Lecture, with its sharp opposition between the moral will and natural law). Mr. Arthur Balfour, Prof. Andrew Seth, Prof. William James, not to mention their intellectual associates in other countries such as Fouille'e and Brunetiere and some of the French writers on moral and social psychology, and in Germany Sigwart and Simmel and Deussen , and Eucken, etc. At the 1897 meeting (at Cornell University), Prof. J. G. Hibben of Princeton read a paper upon Mill and Romanes (regard- ing the formation of opinion), and the interest excited was such that, at the suggestion of Prof. James Seth (then of Cornell) the general question of the relation of Will to Belief was made the leading topic for discussion at the New York meeting of 1898. The International Journal of Ethics for January and April, 1899 (in an article by Prof. Dickinson Miller, and a discussion by H. Rutgers Marshall and the present writer) and the Proceeding* of tlie Association reflect and publish some of the opinions brought forward on that occasion. Meantime the manifesto of Prof. James appeared, of which (for it has an interest and impor- tance out of all proportion to its size and scope), a consideration is