.malic light. The degree of brightness, which a colour impression au a whole evinces for sensation, is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus affecting the centre for pupillary contraction. The dispropor- tionate changes produced in the stimulation-values of different lights with change of light intensity and adaptation (Purkinje phenomenon) find expression in the regulative innervation of the pupil.] Rcddingiua. ' Eine Anpassung.' [Experiments on the correlation of visual with tactual space, after and during the wearing of prismatic glasses. Mistakes are due neither to a wrong judgment of the direction of vision nor to mislead- ing organic sensations in the exploring limb, but simply to abnormality in the motor effect of the impulses of innervation, when these have arisen at the best of visual ideas.] H. Cornelius. ' Ueber Gestaltsquali- taeten.' [The first of a series of papers, dealing with the recent articles of Meinong and Schumann. (1) The simple content and its attributes, Mueller's theory of like groups. The process of judgment in the distinc- tion of attributes consists of the reproduction of contents conditioning the meaning of the predicate word, and of the knowledge (not the abstract idea) of the similarity of the judged contents to those reproduced. Such a view is more exact than Meinong's theory of the play of attention upon aspects of the simple contents. (2) Complex contents. The form- qualities are rather attributes than contents ; and are not an explanation, but simply designations of empirical data. They cannot be explained as relations ^relations form one class of them) or as modes of feeling. :'> Judgments of comparison require the presence of the two contents to be compared, and the knowledge that they belong to that group of such complexes which has determined the meaning of the predicates ' so far alike,' ' so far different,' etc. The second factor is, in turn, composed of the after-effect of this group, and of the knowledge of the similarity of the new complex to the old.] F. Sommer. ' Ein Experiment ueber Termineingebung.' [Terminal suggestion to a subject who could re- member on waking a part of his experience in the hypnotic state, that he should perform an act two minutes after coming to himself. The subject asserts that he resolved to count one hundred and twenty, and did count up to thirty-one or thirty-two, when he fell asleep. The writer suspects full counting, and partial amnesia in the waking state.] Besprechungen. W. Stern on H. Cornelius' Psychologic ais Erfahr- ungswissenschaft, and Runzeon A. Sabatier's Esquisse d'unephilosophiK de la religion d'aprts la psychologie I'hixtoire. Literaturbericht. VlERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FUR WlSSENSCHAFTLICHE PHILOSOPHIE. Bd. xxiv. Heft. 1. J. Cohn. ' Miinesterberg's Versuch einer erkenntnisthe- oretischen Begriindung der Psychologic.' [Contests two fundamental positions of Miinesterberg's ; (1) that description of conscious process involves its reduction or transformation into sensations and sensa- tions only; (2) that explanation of conscious process is possible only by reference to material process.] E. Pasch. ' Ausgangspunkte zu einer Theorie der Zeitvorstellung.' [Examines the results of experi- ments on the " Time-sense ".] C. Siegel. ' tTber einige Entdeckungen der Naturwissenschaft in ihrer erkenntnistheoretischer Wirkung.' [The Copernican theory, the Microscope, the principle of Energy, the struggle for existence.] P. Barth. 'Fragen der Gesehichtswissen- schaft. Unrecht und Eecht der organischen Gesellschaftstheorie.' [The characters assigned by Kant as constituting the concept of an organism are also accepted by Modern Biology. But these characters can all be predicated of society. Therefore it is legitimate to regard society as an organism. But the organism is spiritual, not animal, and
this is a distinction too often neglected. Proofs from History for the