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chean Ethics, St. Thomas unfolds this content. The order which the intellect seeks to understand is realised, says St. Thomas (1) in nature (ordo quern ratio non facit sed soluni considerat). The truths of the natural order are ranked under metaphysics, mathematics and physics ; (2) in the acts of will, or the moral order, the object of moral philosophy (ordo quern ratio considerando facit in actibus voluntatis) ; (3) in the acts of mind, or the logical order, the object of logic (ordo quern ratio con- siderando facit in proprio actu) ; (4) in exterior actions, or the order of the mechanical and fine arts (ordo quern ratio considerando facit in rebus constitutis per rationem hunianaui). M. De Wulf regards the classifica- tion given by St. Thomas as the true classification of the philosophical sciences and, in the present article, enters upon its exposition and defence. L'ANNEE PSYCHOLOOIQUE. By Alfred Binet. 5me Annee. Paris : Schleicher Freres, 1899. Pp. 902. J. Jotcyko. ' Revue g(nerale sur la fatigue musculaire.' [Short sketch of subject with bibliography.] B. Bourdon. ' Les objets paraissent-ils se repetisser en s'elevant au- dessus de 1'horizon ? ' [Fails to confirm Stroobant's experimental observations on the apparent diminution of objects seen above the horizon.] Ed. Clapare'de. ' Perception steniognostique et stereo- agnosie.' [Clinical study on the perception of form and of things by sense of touch; distinguishes between " stereoagnosie," loss of perception of form, and ' asymbolie tactile," loss of perception of objects.] A. Binet. ' La suggestibility au point de vue de la psychologie individuelle.' [Valuable review of the subject ; classification and account of various conditions which come under the general head of suggestibility ; account of numerous experimental methods of testing these different conditions.] Victor Henri. ' Quelques applications du calcul des probabilities a la psychologie.' [Simple and useful demonstration of the application of a formula to determine whether the differences between two series of ob- servations are due to chance or special conditions.] J. Claviere. ' L'audition coloree.' [Short review with bibliography.] Victor Henri. ' Influence du travail intellectuel sur les ^changes nutritifs.' [General paper on method.] J. Larguier des Bancels. ' Essai de compai-aison sur les differentes methodes proposees pour la mesure de la fatigue intellectuelle.' [After intellectual work, sensibility of skin diminished, muscular power increased, temperature lowered, slight influence on pulse rate.] H. Zwaardemaker. ' Les sensations olfactives, leurs combin- aisons et leurs compensations. [Short sketch of physiology of smell with new observations on mixture and compensation of odours.] Dr. Mai-age. ' Les phonographes et 1'etude des voyelles.' [Chiefly on method. Ad- vantages and disadvantages of various phonographs.] ' Historique des recherches sur les rapports de I'intelligence avec le grandeur et la forme de la tete.' [Historical account, limited to work on living subject ; general consensus of evidence that a group of more intelligent people have larger heads than a less intelligent group, and that the increased de- velopment is mainly in the anterior half of the head.] E. Blum. 'La Pedologie.' [Sketch of history and aims of " child study ".] A. Binet. ' Note relative il I'iufluence du travail intellectuel sur la consommation du pain dans les ecoles.' [Reply to criticism.] J. Larguier des Bancels. ' Le volume du bras et la force musculaire niesuree au dynamometre.' [Definite correlation between muscular power and size of forearm and wrist.] Q. Demeny. ' Etude sur les appareil chronophotographiques.' [Account of apparatus.] Revue d'apparies. Victor Henri. ' Revue {{'in'rale sur le sens musculaire. [Valuable critical account with ample

bibliography.] Analyses. Bibliography.

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