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GIBSON, W. R. B. J. Petzoldt, Einfilhrung in die Philosophie der Reinen Erfahruiig .......... 389 HABDIE, R. P. J. Burnet, Tlie Ethics of Aristotle . ... 528 MACKENZIE, W. L. J. Janet and P. Raymond, Nfvroses et Idees Fixes, etc 94 McTAGGABT, J. E. J. Royoe, The World and the Individual . . 258 RITCHIE, D. G. A. Coste, Les Principes d'une Sociologie Objective . 103 SCHILLER, P. C. S. Ch. Renouvier and L. Prat, La Nouvelle Mona- dologie 108 TAYLOR, A. E. J. Ward, Naturalism mid Agnosticism . . . 244 NEW BOOKS. ADLBR, P. (See Ethics and Relujimi) ANGELL, J. R. Studies from tfte Psychological Laboratory of Chicago 115 BARS, C. de. Dreams and Omens ........ 271 BARSY, C. de. The Book of Destiny 271 BAWDEN, H. H. A Study of Lapses 544 Biuso, C. Del libero arbitrio ........ 421 BOMBARD, E. La Mardie de VHumaniU et. les grand homines . . 417 BOSANQUET, B. (See Ethics and Religion) BOUGLE, C. Les Idees egalitaires, etc. ...... 417 BRUNSCHVIGK, L. Introduction d la vie de I'esprit .... 554 CHRISTISON, J. S. Crime and Criminals ...... 410 COIT, S. (See Ethics and Religion) CRAMER, A. Ueber die ausserJialb der Schule liegenden Ursachen der NervosiUit der Kinder ......... 276 DESCARTES, R. Discourse on the Methoil of Rightly Conducting the Reason, etc. ........... 271 DODGE, R. (See Erdmaun) DUPRAT, G. L. Les Causes sociales de la Folie . . . . . 413 DYDE, S. Vf.Tlie Thetetetus of Plato, a Translation and an Intro- duction ............ 539 EISLER, R. Wb'rterbuch der Philosophischen Bcgriffe und Ausdriteke . 112 ERDMANN, B. and DODGE, R. 1'si/chologische Untersuchungen ueber das Lesen ........... 275 ESCARTIN, E. S. Y. L'Individu et la Reforme sociale . . . 118 Ethics and Religion : A Collection of Essays . ..... 410 PIERENS-GEVAEHT, H. La Tristesse contempuraine . . . . 118 FLOURNOY, Th. Des Index a la Planete Mars ,")4G FULLERTON, G. S. On Spinozistic Immortality Lii',7 GIZYCKI, G. VON. (See Ethics and Religion) GOERWITZ, E. P. (See Kant) GONNER, E. C. K. The Social Philosophy of Rodbertua . . . 407 GORE, G. The Scientific Basis of Morality 405 GRASSERIE, R. DE LA. Des Religions comparers au point de vue socio- logique .' . 414 Gnoos, K. Die Spiele der Menschen ....... 278 GUBNHILL, J. The Morals of Suicide 410 GYEL, K. L'Etre Subsconscient ........ 273 HANUS, P. H. Educational Aims and Educational Values . . 117 HEINRICH, W. Die Moderne Physiologische Psychologic in Deutschland 1 2 1 Zur Prinzipienfrage der Psycliologie . . . . 121 HINSHELWOOD, J. Letter-, Word- and Mind-Blhidness . . . 409 HYSLOP, J. H. Syllabus of Psychology 272 JERUSALEM, W. Einleitung in die 1'hilosophie 124 JEVONS, P. Evolution 543 KANT, I. Dreams of a Spirit Seer, etc. (trans. E. F. Goerwitz) . . 545 KAREIEW, N. Les Paysans et la question paysanne en France, etc. . 416

KELLY, E. Government or Human Evolution (part i., Justice) . .

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